Search results

  1. Ape-man

    My Rocks Have Green Hair!

    Hi All My rock appear to grow green hair!!! Can any one advise on this. I am sure it is some sort of algae or moss etc... But how do i get rid of it? It grows very fast and needs removing every week to stop it taking over the tank!!
  2. Ape-man

    Cardinal Tetras With White Spot

    Help.... I have 7 cardinal tetra in my tank, they have been there two weeks now and everything has been ok. I bought a new external filter at the same time and have had this running in conjunction with my internal filter since then. Last night I added some active carbon and a polishing pad to...
  3. Ape-man

    My Fish-In Cycle

    For the interest of anyone concerned... My fish-in-cycle is going brilliantly. I currently have 6 Sterbai Cory & 7 Cardinal Tetra, all who are very happy and loving their new home! I opted for the semi-planted approach, it seems to have worked a treat. I did get slightly high Ammonia readings...
  4. Ape-man

    27L (7Us Gal) Tank & Equipment For Sale

    Can I not gather any interest in this??
  5. Ape-man

    27L (7Us Gal) Tank & Equipment For Sale

    Postage would be around £10-15. I am in Kippax.
  6. Ape-man

    27L (7Us Gal) Tank & Equipment For Sale

    Equipment make/model/size: 27L (7US GAL) tank, C/W: Heater, air-pump,air-stone, 1.5Mtrs of air-line, air-pump gravel cleaner, "over-the-top" filter and plenty of spare filter media. Age and condition: 6 Years old & in a good used condition. Quantity for sale: 1 Reason for Sale: Upgraded to a...
  7. Ape-man

    *moderator Please Remove*

    Sorry - Should have been in UK classified.
  8. Ape-man

    Are These Bolivian Rams?

    Geez, this thread was started so a mis-identification could be sorted out, and has turned into a school playground-style squabble!! The fish have been identified.. Leave it at that!!!! Does it really matter who said what... Really!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  9. Ape-man

    Stones And Rocks

    Hi I can also confirm that granite doesn't alter the pH either. I have had a piece of Cornish Granite soaking in a bowl for the past 10 days and there has been absolutely no change in pH. I also did the "vinegar test" which didn't fizz. So I will be giving a few of them a good clean and popping...
  10. Ape-man

    My Fish-In Cycle

    Here goes... Tomorrow I am planning on starting a fish-in cycle. My fishless cycle failed, see the link below for all my efforts! My tap water: Ammonia: 0ppm, Nitrite: 0ppm, Nitrate...
  11. Ape-man

    My Fishless Cycle!

    FISH-LESS CYCLE OVER... I just hasn't worked... Simple as that! I did speak to a guy who lives in the same village as me and he said that he tried fish-less cycling his new tank a couple of years ago and he also couldn't get it to work... He said it was something to do with a high calcium...
  12. Ape-man

    My Fishless Cycle!

    OK.... I almost give up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sorry I haven't been posting regularly, I have still been testing, just not posting (well, I figured what's the point in posting the same thing every day!!)!! Day 49 of my cycle, and I drained my tank completely (well 95% anyway), I cleaned...
  13. Ape-man

    My Fishless Cycle!

    Right... I have added some so called "filter booster" last night and tonight it has made no difference, I'll give this another 24hrs, if there is no effect I will drain the tank off and refill, then try using some fish flakes - How many should I put in? Just another thought but I was speaking...
  14. Ape-man

    My Fishless Cycle!

    Is this really just a waiting game... Looking at other peoples cycles, nobody else's seems to be taking/have taken anywhere near as long as mine to start. I have got to go through the whole cycling process yet, and I'm 39 days in and it hasn't even started... I'll be honest I am really looking...
  15. Ape-man

    My Fishless Cycle!

    Right am I just being impatient or is something going wrong, this seems to be taking forever!!!!! (see my first post for up-to-date results). Why is my ammonia not moving, but my Nitrite seemed to rise to 2ppm and has now dropped back to 0ppm. I'll be honest I'm confused here!!!!!! HELP :crazy:
  16. Ape-man

    Starting Up A New Bigger Tank.

    Hi Laura.p :hi: I am a re-newbie myself, therefore no expert, but I have pretty much spent the last month on this forum reading and reading, and plenty of people have helped me and answered my questions, so I only feel it's fair to share the wealth (or at least what I've read) :teacher: If...
  17. Ape-man

    My Fishless Cycle!

    Thanks reburn, that's kind-a what I was thinking, but it's nice to have a bit of reasurance!! Fingers crossed, my ammonia will drop to zero, at the moment it's a bit like watching paint dry!!! :P I live in Kippax (the other side of Leeds) It's strange how we both get our water from "Yorkshire...
  18. Ape-man

    My Fishless Cycle!

    Hi everyone, not be on for a while, I unfortunately have been a bit pre-ocupied with other things (mainly a very broken car!!), but I have still been doing/recording my daily reading so my first post on this thread is now up-to-date with my readings. I need a bit of advice now, I am going away...
  19. Ape-man

    My Fishless Cycle!

    Right... I've done a 50% water change earlier today, retested the water and it had dropped to ammonia level of 1ppm. I then re-dosed with 2.5ml of ammonia to bring it back to 4-5ppm according to the calculator. I also added some more bio-max to my filter (as the cage was only half full). Just...
  20. Ape-man

    My Fishless Cycle!

    Right, I am pretty confused now... My Ammonia is still 2ppm, but my nitrite has risen again to around 0.75ppm, that's a rise in nitrite of 0.5ppm and my ammonia hasn't changed, is this normal or even possible?? And yes... I was thinking the same: "Does my ammonia test kit work?", well it...
  21. Ape-man

    My Fishless Cycle!

    My Ammonia is still at 2ppm and has been for the last 12 days... :crazy: This is well frustrating!!!! :grr:
  22. Ape-man

    Whats Happened To My Cycle?

    Emma Sounds like you are going through the same as me... On day 6 of my cycle my ammonia dropped to 2ppm, I am now on day 17 and it is still at 17ppm... The advice I have been getting is the same as you, to just sit it out... Frustrating isn't it when you just want to get it done so you can get...
  23. Ape-man

    Milawi Cichlids

    I think that's decision made then... I'll stick to my community tank as first planned. FYI tho, the dimensions of my tank are:65cm(W)X 35cm(D)X 45cm(H)
  24. Ape-man

    Milawi Cichlids

    Hi all Not sure if I should be posting here... But!! I am in the process of cycling a new 90l (23 US Gal) tank and was going to go with a community tank but I was talking to a guy in my local aquatics shop and he suggested a Milawi cichlids tank. I have done a bit of research and am (kind-of)...
  25. Ape-man

    Ideas, Advice, Suggestions Please.

    Bump... On the rocks question! :crazy:
  26. Ape-man

    My Fishless Cycle!

    Thanks reburn... I'll turn that air pump on now. I am about to take some more readings, I'll update in 10 mins...!
  27. Ape-man

    My Fishless Cycle!

    No, there isn't any zeolite in there, it is just a three stage filter: 1- Foam filter, 2- Poly/carbon cartridge filter & 3- Biomax, which is just porous ceramic for the bacteria to live (although the "cage" for the biomax is only half-full so I have just ordered some more) I have just re-angled...
  28. Ape-man

    My Fishless Cycle!

    Hi all... Happy New Year to you all! :good: I am a little confused :S , If you see my readings above, my ammonia is just not moving, I was hoping that when I came back after the new year my ammonia would be nearly zero, but this is just not the case!! Am I doing something wrong, I am using...
  29. Ape-man

    Ideas, Advice, Suggestions Please.

    Hi all A coulpe of questions: 1) I have some Cornish Granite, is this safe to use in my aquarium (obviously I will properly clean it first!), I have found the following website: ,and it claims it is safe, but thought I would get some second...
  30. Ape-man

    My Fishless Cycle!

    I have tested my tap water straight out of the tap, I am a little surprised at the level of Nitrate, is this normal? Ammonia: 0ppm Nitrite: 0ppm Nitrate: 40ppm pH: 7.0 I did the Nitrate test 3 times to make sure I wasn't getting it wrong. This may explain the strange results I have got...
  31. Ape-man

    German Blue Rams (Teesside)

    I am looking to add a couple of GBR's to my new tank, but it's cycling at the moment and not going to be ready for another month or so, if you still have any then I will deffo be interested, do you have any pics? Ta Andy
  32. Ape-man

    My Fishless Cycle!

    Thanks Guys! Here are my initial tank results... The only thing I have added since is some more StressZyme (filter booster), I know it isn't really rated and most people on here pretty much say it's crap, but I got it free with the tank so I thought I would use it. I tested again last night...
  33. Ape-man

    Having Problem Sourcing Ammonia!?

    Hi, I really am NO EXPERT, but I wouln't be adding any sort of peroxide into an aquarium! You can deffinately buy ammonia from Boots, you find it int the household/cleaning dept, normally tucked away in a corner, the ammonia is in a white bottle withj a red cap and is just called "Boots...
  34. Ape-man

    My Fishless Cycle!

    Hi :nod: I have been Fish-less cycling for a week now... Initially I was only testing ammonia, when that started dropping I started testing for Nitrite. Everything seems fairly normalish: Ammonia seems to be slowly dropping an nitrite slowly rising. Now, my concern is that the ammonia seems...
  35. Ape-man

    Ideas, Advice, Suggestions Please.

    Good Evening! I have been Fish-less cycling for a week now... Initially I was only testing ammonia, when that started dropping I started testing for Nitrite. Everything seems fairly normalish: Ammonia seems to be slowly dropping an nitrite slowly rising. Anyway... Today I have done a full test...
  36. Ape-man

    Ideas, Advice, Suggestions Please.

    Added some ammonia last night. Has taken ammonia level upto 4-5ppm. Will take new readings tonight, and get back!
  37. Ape-man

    Ideas, Advice, Suggestions Please.

    Thanks OldMan47, will have a look into both... Right, the results are in, this is the water in my tank now, straight from the tap, the only thing I have added is tap water conditioner and some filter boost (stresszyme) The test kit I have used is API fresh water master test kit: pH: 7.4...
  38. Ape-man

    Ideas, Advice, Suggestions Please.

    Right...I have the new tank, filters substrate etc, etc... The water is in and conditioner added etc, etc... I am going to do my water test next (I will get back with the results!), then, the fishless cycle, where do I get ammonia from in the UK? Ta Andy
  39. Ape-man

    Fish-in Cycling

    Right... It's like this, I have the new tank, filters substrate etc, etc... Shall I leave it a week or so after adding "Stress Zyme biological filter booster" (as instructed) and do a fish-in cycle? Or shall I do a fishless cycle? I can pretty much predict your answers... But if you say...
  40. Ape-man

    Ideas, Advice, Suggestions Please.

    arobinson1984 - Just noticed you're in Leeds, So am I. Where do you get your fish and supplies etc from??