Search results

  1. DutchKev

    Going Marine?

    what sort of litres per hour would you need for the rio? there are a few on UR for a decent price, there is one that does 5,000 LPR for only £25, but would this be overkill on such a smallish tank? (asked on behalf of haych)
  2. DutchKev

    :( Poor Flash.....

    +1 for POTM !
  3. DutchKev

    Not Running The Filter?

    always the best option imo go for whats right now!
  4. DutchKev

    Not Running The Filter?

    its all a matter of opinion, from your list you have already seen that gravel outweights sand in the pro's/cons part so go with whats a sencible choice for you, dont forget, its you who has to clean it! sand CAN be hard work to keep clean, but imo looks neater, where as gravel is very easy to...
  5. DutchKev

    Not Running The Filter?

    now i was a firm believer in gravel when i first started out, but over time i have found it is actually more hard work than sand. with sand, everything sits on top of the sand rather than in between it, so ig cleans up easier than gravel, plus ive never had any major issues with 'dunes', and if...
  6. DutchKev

    I Got My Driver'S License!

    now - is this uk provisional, uk full or american licence? if UK provisional - word of advice, get your theory test booked A.S.A.P, prices are constantly going up and tests are becoming more and more difficult, you have 2 years on a trheory test certificate to pass you full test if UK full...
  7. DutchKev

    Congratultions To Jennybugs

    congratz! hope my vote helped :D
  8. DutchKev

    Ro Unit O-Ring Lubricant

    was also advised vasaline on any if not all rubber seals so they dont rot
  9. DutchKev

    Tff Site Layout Suggestions!

    that skin youre on about had like a police badge on?
  10. DutchKev

    Pics Of Your Fish Wanted!

    cories compliments of Haych :good: (and myself of course :rolleyes: )
  11. DutchKev

    Do You Have Fav Fishies You Could Watch For Hours?

    i could sit and watch the plec forever, they fascinate me no end!
  12. DutchKev

    Classifieds Section Suggestion

    primary school ended 16 years ago, but it seams the level of intelligence and willingness to accept change is still a long way off IMO weather your a newbie or an old timer, there is still no excuse for ignorance. and saying I'm in primary school, are you yourself not resorting to "playground"...
  13. DutchKev

    Classifieds Section Suggestion

    tbh i think tunnel vision and narrow mindedness has firmly dug their heels in on this one - i suppose somtimes there is no reasoning with idiots :blink:
  14. DutchKev

    Eheim 2217 Question

    my mate had to turn the pump off, disconnect the pipes and quickly hold them upright to stop them soaking everything- and a hastle it was!
  15. DutchKev

    Eheim 2217 Question

    the eheim i have dont have one either, nor did my old pro 2, the previous owner bought some eheim shut off valves for it, i can get pics of them if you like?
  16. DutchKev

    New Camera

    youve kinda nailed it there jake, its mearly about the name, a £50 can sometimes outshine a £150 camera, it all depends on who you think is best, IMO for stand alone cameras you cant beat olympus, but again, some people will only have sony/lumnix/fuji cameras as they are a well known name
  17. DutchKev

    New Camera

    you would be better with a standard camera then buddy, not SLR, there are tonnes cropping up now for cheap (although with xmas looming prices are starting to creap up again)
  18. DutchKev

    Classifieds Section Suggestion

    its not just about selling an item for the sake of selling, its offering what you have for others to see. example - im looking on ebay for a new TV, i spot one for lets say £180 buy it now, but alas, someone is selling one on here for £140, which one are you going to go for? (and before anyone...
  19. DutchKev

    New Camera

    problem with a superzoom camers is that they use digital zoom, not optical, and image quality is seriously affected outside the optical zoom range dont get me wrong there are some fantastic cameras out there (a few kodak ones and samsung for example) but nothing compares to an SLR but price is...
  20. DutchKev

    Classifieds Section Suggestion

    now that gets on my tits. is it mearly tunnel vision or arrogance that blinds you? what might seam like common sence in your eyes could look like outright loonacy to another the same reason the boards were upgraded, its called progress, moving on
  21. DutchKev

    Classifieds Section Suggestion

    1* so trying to save someone a few quid on listing fees is MY problem? ummmmmmmm ok, sorry for having some decency :rolleyes: 2* i suggest you pm the mods and tell the to remove all other sections not related to fish, I.E pets, cars etc 3* well good for you, but do I know who the bad guy/s are...
  22. DutchKev

    Since The Update The Forum Is Really Slow

    i think its skin dependant tbh, i using IP.boards with no real problems
  23. DutchKev

    Classifieds Section Suggestion

    another twist on this : - you have a phone for sale but you dont want to pay £3 to list it on ebay, then wait 3 daysa for it to be bid upto stupid amounts by nigerian scammers, only to have to wait for ebay to re-embusrse your fee's, you then relist AGAIN and the phone finally does sell for lets...
  24. DutchKev

    Can You See Locations Any More?

    but that means diverting away from the main page to look, it was much easier when the location was under the avatar
  25. DutchKev

    Orange Water?

    that will be 'tannis' from the wood, you could take the wood out and boil it for an hour, that will help, but ultimatly its a case of waiting. the water will clear and ive been told active carbon will help speed things up. did you boil/clean the wood before it went in or did you just plop it in...
  26. DutchKev

    Question: Sand Needs?

    method i used to clean our sand was:- 1) get youself a clean bucket (prefebly new without any chemicals in it) 2) put a hosepipe in the bottom of the bucket 3) half fill the bucket with sand so that it sits on top of the hosepipe 4) turn on the hose, this will fill the bucket up from underneath...
  27. DutchKev


    nope, he could only move 1 fin and sunk like a stone :( we did prop him up the top but he just sank and lay there :(
  28. DutchKev

    How Often Do You Clean Your Filter?

    when the flow id reduced - also to look for fry that have been sucked in there!
  29. DutchKev


    just a quick note, this bogwood has NOT been in the tank that we are having issues with, it was in the vision that we bought and broke down
  30. DutchKev

    Think I Found My Betta

    he looks to be a crown tail
  31. DutchKev


    had white gravel in my last tank, started of nice, untill it turned, even when i took it out of the tank to clean it, it was to far gone to be saved :(
  32. DutchKev

    F.A.O Anyonw With Sand Substrate

    looks like the better half was right then ;( looks like a new syphon is needed!
  33. DutchKev

    I Think I May Be A Little Obsessed

    i dont have dreams per say, just obsessive thoughts just before i go to sleep on how i can make the tank better/what fish i can add, what i would house in a bigger tank etc !
  34. DutchKev

    What kind of camera do you have?

    nikon D40 with 18-55 or 55-200 with filters, cant use the 55-200 on the tank though as i get nothing :(
  35. DutchKev

    What Kind Of Dogs Do You Have/have Had?

    those dogs are B-E-A-UUUUUUUUUUTIFULL!! :wub: :drool: i wanted a husky but Haych dont like them because they remind her too much of wolfs!
  36. DutchKev

    F.A.O Anyonw With Sand Substrate

    not of yet, we have a waterchange due today so were going to try a few methods and see what works best!
  37. DutchKev


    hes a VT (its all the LFS round here tend to sell he will be going into the rio once the vision is up and running!
  38. DutchKev

    Does Fish Poo Colour Change Depending On Diet?

    been asked to put this up by the better half, becuase we have just gave the fish some frozen bloodwrm to snack on before lights out, and she says that the fish's poo looks red, but most of the time its white or brown anyone shed some light?
  39. DutchKev

    F.A.O Anyonw With Sand Substrate

    i think that might well be our problem tbh, its only a small thing but ti dont sea to have enough oomph to pick up anything larger than a fry!
  40. DutchKev

    F.A.O Anyonw With Sand Substrate

    we have about 5 corys at work sifting the sand around atm, but there is only so much the lil guys can do :( have seen a goby in the LFY, so they work on the same principle as a marine goby?