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  1. O

    Killing Male Guppies, Help!

    Alright, I shall supply the stats when I get a chance to buy a kit. I guess my real big question mark in all of this is I've never lost any other fish in my tank. I've had the same swordtails, catfish, and mollies since I started up the tank with no problems. Even the female guppies seem...
  2. O

    Killing Male Guppies, Help!

    I have not witnessed much bullying at all by the guppies. The mollies tend to bull each other, but leave the guppies alone. All male guppies had perfectly normal looking tails when found dead, outside of losing the fan shape as previously described. I'm not sure the exact levels of the...
  3. O

    Killing Male Guppies, Help!

    Hello. I have a 45 gallon tank. I first added 4 fancy guppies, 2 male and 2 female, and 2 dalmatian mollies. All was fine with most of the fish, except the male guppies had died within the week. I then replaced the males with 4 more males, and added two small bottom-feeding catfish...