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  1. hellfish

    A Couple Pics

    I am sure if the neons are small enough the might become lunch. the male did eat some ghost shrimp I had in there, so I guess it is possible.
  2. hellfish

    A Couple Pics

    haha I know. It is a community with rainbows so I am sure if they do spawn, population control should be alright. If there are alot of babies I will just grow them out and trade for fish food to the LFS or something.
  3. hellfish

    A Couple Pics

    Thanx alot for the compliments. The tank needs alot of help and when I get my shipment of co2 and some new plants it should look alright. Just added a baby bristlenose I think it is a long fin that mated with a albino I believe. I will try to get some pics of her later tonight.
  4. hellfish

    A Couple Pics

    Just thought I would throw some pictures up after I did a water change and everything is all purdy. A shot of the whole tank A male krib starting to colour up Male and female playing nicely together And I just like this one Thanx for looking
  5. hellfish


    Was trying my hardest to get a decent shot of my rainbows but the little buggers do not like to pose. Got a couple good ones, heres one. Heres looking at you babe!
  6. hellfish


    Just a quick question here. I have kno3 and kh2po4 also have seachem flourish. Is there anything more anyone would suggest to get for proper fertilization for my tank? Also I will get roots tabs for my rooted plants if necessary. My lighting consist of 2 98watt bulbs in a coralife fixture over...
  7. hellfish

    Need A Little Sexing Advice

    TY for the responses, I guess 3 females and 1 male is better than 3 males and 1 female.
  8. hellfish

    Need A Little Sexing Advice

    Can anyone tell me if these are males or females? Please and thank you. I have four kribs and I think I have 3 males and 1 female but I am not sure at all. thanx in advance maybe this pic is a little bit better
  9. hellfish


    Was a little bored so I took some pictures. Here is my loach, Leopald. He is a strange one for sure, spends more time at the top of the tank then the bottom.
  10. hellfish


    wrong section of forum sorry.
  11. hellfish

    New Guy Here

    Just thought I would stop in and say hi. Been a lurker for awhile and decided to join the fun. I have 2 tanks up right now a 35g multis tank and a 65g community tank as well with 3 kribs, dogo, and a couple Rosy barbs. I posted this earlier but ill post it here as well.
  12. hellfish


    Thats a little better :)
  13. hellfish


    Just re-scaped my community fish tank and took some quick pictures. This is my male Pelvicachromis pulcher just starting to get his mating colours in now with the recent addition of 2 females. He was very pale before the addition. Nothing fancy at all, just thought I would contribute to the site