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    Intro To The Rest Of The Family Companions

    gerbils are great! they're really a better pet than a hamster!
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    Will They Chomp On My Plants?

    ok, thanks. that's enough for me!
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    Does Anyone Have White Cloud Mountain Minnows?

    mine are ina tropicla tank now (24 c) but before were in a coldwater (usually 18). although they sill display, i have only had eggs when they were in the coldwater set up. the eggs immediately developed egg fungus each tim and were never viable to hatch unfortunately.
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    Algae Eater

    they're good algae eaters when they're small. but they et pretty big and then stop eating algae and become aggressive...!
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    Will They Chomp On My Plants?

    can nobody help?
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    Will They Chomp On My Plants?

    Hi all, i've noticed some snails in my tank. They look to be of the ramshorn and bladder/tadpole varieties. I don't really mind them being there, as long as they aren't going to be chomping down and destryoing my plants. I have salvinia natans (floating), java moss, moss balls and some elodea...
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    My Tank Setup

    the end of the branch coming off the wood looks like dragons head or something!
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    Fish Ideas Anyone?

    will the angels not try to eat the cardinals?
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    Can You Tell The Gender?

    fish 2 looks like a male. males have a longer, 'knife-like' shape, the females usually have a big belly!
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    Albino Cory And 54l Tank

    they'll be fine as long as it's cycled
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    Albino Cory's

    i paid 2 pound each for a couple today and they are great! let's hope they do well
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    a bit easier on the eye before i reckon

    a bit easier on the eye before i reckon
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    Dead Minnow!

    ok ta for the advice!
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    Dead Minnow!

    Thanks for your response. I don't have an ammonia test kit. I am using the "Tetratest Freshwater 6 in1 Test Strips" to test the water. I've been feeding them dry Daphnia, i think the "SUPA" brand. as well as some left over flakes. I did a...
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    Dead Minnow!

    Sorry it's taken so long! I've now had another minnow die. It was absolutely fine when i went to bed, woke up to find it floatign at the surface. All the rest of them appear as usual. Tank size: 10 gallon tank temp: 21 c (but fluctuates a degree either way) Fish Symptoms (include full...
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    Dead Minnow!

    :angry: I've just come back to one of minnows floating near the surface, still alive. I say floating....none of him was out fo the water but he didnt appear to be able to sta down if he tried. The other minnows were having a go at him. I isolated him as soon as possible but he died within...
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    Ideas For Fish Selection

    oh really. thanks a lot for clearing that up
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    Ideas For Fish Selection

    I want to get some neons, but dont really ahve space for a large shoal. Would they do alright if i had 2 or 3? would they shoal with the minnows?
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    Ideas For Fish Selection

    oh yeah they look great! apparantly easy to keep and peaceful with other species. i'll see if the lfs has it when i'm next in
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    Ideas For Fish Selection

    oops forgot to mention its heated!
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    Ideas For Fish Selection

    Hi There I have a 2 ft x 2 ft x 1ft tank (is that 10 gallon) and its 'cycled'. At the moment i have 6 white cloud minnows in there and they are donig really well. Although when they lay eggs, the eggs very quickly become invalid and get some fungus or something on. Anyway i'd like to add some...