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  1. fishfreak24

    Loach (khuli)

    Hey I just wanted to konw if I could breed mine and if I did how would I know when they are pregnant??????????/!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????
  2. fishfreak24

    Coolie Loach?

    what will happen if the sustrate is not soft
  3. fishfreak24

    Clean The Tank

    Lol Nice tank
  4. fishfreak24


    No I dont know what kind they are but they are brown and seethrough ( they are still babys)
  5. fishfreak24


    I have been using a snail remover but it has not worked
  6. fishfreak24


    ok thanks for the help
  7. fishfreak24


  8. fishfreak24


    Can any one sugest a fish that will eat my snails.(It is getting out of controle)
  9. fishfreak24


    what is a banded gourami
  10. fishfreak24


    Thanks howard you didnt believe me
  11. fishfreak24


    Ok :/ Thanks for the help can you sugest any fish for me
  12. fishfreak24

    Males Of Two Different Species

    No I think every thing should be fine
  13. fishfreak24

    Best Fish For A Beginner?

    I would say zebra danios
  14. fishfreak24

    Neons And Cardinals

    I would get about 50
  15. fishfreak24

    Neons Or Cardinals?

    Cardinals all the way
  16. fishfreak24

    Keeping Guppies With Zebra Danios

    I have got 2guppies and 7danios and they get along fine
  17. fishfreak24

    Zebra Danios Flicking/rubbing

    I have a few zebra danios and I have never seen them do this. It moste probably has white spot, skin and gill flukes, anchor worm, velvet disease or chlorine poisoning!!!
  18. fishfreak24


    Hey can any1 tell me what to feed my giant gourami :fish: :fish:
  19. fishfreak24


    I cant take it back. The pet shop dose not take back fish
  20. fishfreak24

    When Will It Change

    When will I change from a newbi to somthing els
  21. fishfreak24

    What Is Happening

    He is less active in the night than in the day I have had him from the beginig of the year and he was very active a few weeks a go
  22. fishfreak24


    I have been doing some reserch and I found out that you do get two diferent cinds of gouramis. They look the same but they dont grow as big! :shifty: My tank is about 40liters ....Holy **** thats big Please watch your language! This is a family forum.
  23. fishfreak24


    \ It is only about 10cm. The persone at the pet shop said will only grow to about 4in
  24. fishfreak24

    What Is Happening

    It is a round-spotted gibbiceps
  25. fishfreak24


    I just got a new giant gourami todey. I just saw it eat my cardial (wich had one eye) Is there somthing rong
  26. fishfreak24

    Glass Fish

    I have got a few glass blodfin
  27. fishfreak24

    Bubbles From The Filter

    No you dont need to drop the water level. all you need is for the filter to make little riples on the surface of the water.
  28. fishfreak24

    One Eyed Neon Tetra

    add alo vare
  29. fishfreak24

    Can Anyone Recommend A Good Fry Muncher?

    I have got a giant gourami and I have not seen a single fry since I got him
  30. fishfreak24

    What Is Happening

    My pleco is not active and is just lying at the bottem of my tank is there somthing rong
  31. fishfreak24

    Are Gouramis Aggressive?

    No they should not fight but just bee carful
  32. fishfreak24


    Hey I have herd that colourd substrates paint can peal of and afect the filter... is this true?!?!?!
  33. fishfreak24

    Help With Plants

    Hey every one I just wanted to ask whas I should get cos i have no Idea plantt cinds of
  34. fishfreak24

    What Plant

    Hey can any one tell me what cind of plants to get Cos I have no Idea
  35. fishfreak24

    Clean The Tank

    What is the rite way to clean a tank
  36. fishfreak24


    I got the tank a few weeks ago
  37. fishfreak24

    Snails Out Of Control

    Try slicing a fresh pies of cucumber and put it under an upside-down saucer propped up so that the snails can crawl under. Leave it overnight, then collect any snails under the saucer Hope this helps
  38. fishfreak24


    Hey I have seen little baby snails in my tank where are they coming from and should I be woried? Thanks
  39. fishfreak24

    Gravel Cleaning?

    If I were you I would replace the sand with gravel. I know it dose not look as nice as sand but it is a lot easier to clean and you do not need to wash it!!!
  40. fishfreak24


    Hey Paul my tests are Cl2=0 pH=6.8 KH=3.d Gh=4.d NO2=1 NO3=25 every thing seems to be fine!!!