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    Urgent - Pregnant Fish

    On a lighter note, would like to say that I love your Christmas thingys!!! you're very clever!! :good:
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    Urgent - Pregnant Fish

    Completely devastated!!! Two days ago my orange Mollie died. She had fought as long as she could, bless her. This left my last adult white Mollie. I have come to the conclusion that the spots on her and my orange Mollie were natural and when I bought them they look pretty young. I think...
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    Urgent - Pregnant Fish

    Do you think I should just go for it and put the methyline blue in the main tank? I believe it kills the filter bacteria and dyes everything blue, but at least I might still have fish!!!! Do you know if it stains the glass? Don't want to wreck such a big tank. Am bidding on a full small tank...
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    Urgent - Pregnant Fish

    Yep, did a search on tb. Could be it, but it's hard to tell isn't it, because so many of those symptoms could be attributed to other illnesses. I am being careful and wearing gloves in any case. Whatever it is, she is dying of the same thing as the last one. She is now mega thin, spending...
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    Urgent - Pregnant Fish

    She is trying desperately to eat and being so thin, I think that it's vital! She is getting food in her mouth, but it is popping straight back out again. I have put some liquifry in as I thought if she swims through the cloud of food, she might be able to get some in her. also there are five...
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    Dosing With Salt

    Hi Have dosed my tank with 2 teaspoons of salt per 5 litres in a desperate attempt to 'fix' my fish. On the instructions it says to change the solution daily. Now, in a 27 gallon tank, this is a bit tricky. Does anyone have experience in salting their tank who can advise me on how best to...
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    Urgent - Pregnant Fish

    sorry can't work out how to post a pic, too technical. It wants URL and mine is on my C Drive.
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    Wow Lots Of New Fry In One Day...

    WOW! They are fantastic, congratulations! The pics are really good too! what sort of camera have you got? T
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    Urgent - Pregnant Fish

    To Scott and Wilder Thank you, can't tell you how much better I feel now after your comments, have renewed enthusiasm :) The fish do certainly have black spots on them, though different to each other, the orange mollie has about six big black spots which you can hopefully make out in the...
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    Poorly Mollies

    My mollies are poorly Lost horrendous amounts of weight and loosing colour One died a week ago All water stats are perfect They did experience high nitrate a few weeks ago when on holiday and a neighbour was looking after them and I think completely over fed them dispite my instructions :(...
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    Urgent - Pregnant Fish

    Hi Sorry to say I've had enough of this fish lark. I'm just not cut out for it, dispite my very best efforts. They are taking hours of my time and I'm getting nowhere :( I have a gold mollie who is displaying same symptoms as her mate who died on 8 Nov. She has wasted away into nothing, is...
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    Dying Mollie

    He's died :( Got my little girls birthday party in an hour Very sad :( RIP Dotty
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    Dying Mollie

    all fine......please see next topic below re: pregnant fish for full story....
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    Dying Mollie

    My beautiful dalmation male mollie is on his side at the bottom of the tank not moving but still alive, is there anything I can do :( :( :( He's in a very bad way :( :(
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    Urgent - Pregnant Fish

    My beautiful dalmation male mollie is on his side at the bottom of the tank not moving but still alive, is there anything I can do :( :( :( He's in a very bad way :( :(
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    Urgent - Pregnant Fish

    Hi Just a little update. The two female fish seem to be almost back to normal, happily swimming around! :) The babies are all still alive and well and happy :) My third mollie is my male dalmation and he is not well now, he is almost vertical but nose down whereas my white female was nose...
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    Urgent - Pregnant Fish

    Do you know what the flicking themselves against the stones is all about?
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    Urgent - Pregnant Fish

    URGENT Hi there OK, time for a recap, cos this is getting complicated! I have three adult Mollies and 8 two week old fry in 27 gallon tank. All water stats are fine. I've removed every snail (about 400!) though I'm sure there will be the odd one. Came back off two weeks of hols last Friday...
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    Urgent - Pregnant Fish

    No - there are hundreds of them and many the size of a tip of a pen. It's going to be a lengthy process using lettuce etc. Getting there though, doing my best!
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    Urgent - Pregnant Fish

    Hi Thanks for the link Wilder, but my computer wouldn't open it! Am fairly sure they're snails having looked at other sites re: worms. All fish in both tanks now have black spots so I am on a major snail mission!! Although obviously unwell the fish all seem a bit perkier this evening :)...
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    Urgent - Pregnant Fish

    Hi Thank you for your help with this! I did another water change about 30%. How big a water change do you think I should do? Have had pieces of cucumber and manually by hand removed loads of snails and will get a load more when they start climbing back up the glass later. No signs of flicking...
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    Urgent - Pregnant Fish

    :( All of my three Mollies are now poorly and not wanting to swim, either staying near heater or hiding under things but all staying pretty much motionless. All my water stats are fine. Don't know what to do. Have found 7 surviving fry now in the tank that seem fine. Sorry it's not a lot to...
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    Urgent - Pregnant Fish

    Thank you so much!!!!! Am busy putting all into action... Fingers crossed :)
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    Urgent - Pregnant Fish

    Hi Thanks for replying!!!! There are 27 gallons in the tank. 3 fish - two female and one male all Mollies. Ammonia 0, nitrite 0.05 (tiny bit pinky but nowhere near 0.1), Nitrate 0 PH 7.5 These test results were taken about 3 hrs after 50% water change Fed Nutrafin livebearer food, and occasion...
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    Urgent - Poorly Pregnant Mollie

    Hi Just come back from a two week holiday, and my pregnant Mollie fish who i thought would have had her babies by now is struggling to swim. she keeps going vertical in the tank (head at top)and is struggling to get back to horizontal. This is really distressing to see. Don't think she's had...
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    Urgent - Poorly Pregnant Fish

    Hi Just come back from a two week holiday, and my pregnant Mollie fish who i thought would have had her babies by now is struggling to swim. she keeps going vertical in the tank (head at top)and is struggling to get back to horizontal. This is really distressing to see. Don't think she's had...
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    Urgent - Pregnant Fish

    Hi Just come back from a two week holiday, and my pregnant Mollie fish who i thought would have had her babies by now is struggling to swim. she keeps going vertical in the tank (head at top)and is struggling to get back to horizontal. Don't think she's had babies before. I have done a 50%...
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    Boy Fish Together

    Because I am going to end up with millions of fish!!! I nievely bought our first ever fish, two girls and a boy, and less than 48hrs later we had babies, and she is about due to pop again! and the other female is pregnant too. Can't leave it to natural selection, I am too soft hearted. Many...
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    Boy Fish Together

    Hi Want to seperate my male dalmation molly from the two girls he is in with. I have two tanks and once my fry are big enough I'd like to put the two girls in with them. This would leave the boy on his own and I have been told that if I put other boy mollies in with him, they will fight. How...
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    Hi Would newborn fry be ok being put straight in a tank with month old fry? thanks
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    Babies Into New Tank

    Could I also ask about filtration. I have a small Fluval filter in the tank where the two week old mollie fry will go. Will this suck them up? If it's not suitable could you please advise what is? thank you........
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    Babies Into New Tank

    Hi I am hoping to put our mollie fry into a new tank which I have set up for them, as they have been in their plastic nursery for almost two weeks. It will be nice to see them swimming freely. The tank has normal fish gravel as the bottom and they are used to the plastic flat bottom of their...
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    Babies Already! Eeeek

    Thank you so much for all your answers, big help!! Well four days on and 6 of the original fry have died :( however all the rest are still alive! I am doing a fish in cycle and all results are spot on. PH is 8 with the help of coral, ammonia, nitrate and nitrites are perfect. The two males...
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    Babies Already! Eeeek

    Hi All Am very new to the whole fish thing. Having spent ages setting up my tank correctly (my brain hurt!) we went out on Sunday and bought three mollie fish (big 27 gallon tank but wanted to start off small). As we left the shop the shop assistant said we had two females and a male. Once...