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  1. S

    Predator For Platy Fry

    Look at something like a couple of harlequin rasboras. They are fairly ferocious on guppy, molly and platy fry in ym tank and there is only the two of them.
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    Urgent - Poorly Pregnant Fish

    i have a female silver molly doing the same thing. Has me absolutly stuffed as to whats wrong with her. Just waiting for my Lyretail to finish giving birth in my fry tank and i might move her over there with the fry
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    Guppy Fry Questions,

    Might have to up the frequesncy of my water changes
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    Guppy Fry Questions,

    I think you are breeding super guppy's the oldest of my guppies is around 3.5 weeks old and is about ______ at the very most. It is colouring up though and appears to be a female i ahve a couple who are nearly the same size and then another bunch who are only around 2 weeks old
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    Killing Male Guppies, Help!

    Bit harsh old man the bloke is just looking for a little bit of help. Plenty of people arent advanced enough in the world of tropical fish to know the ins and outs of everything as you do and thats why you are so respected by myself and others on here. Now back to the topic at hand, it doesnt...
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    Keeping Guppies With Zebra Danios

    ive got zebra, albino, pearl and leopard danios in with my live bearers, all get on fine
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    Sick Guppy?

    I had a female guppy get really skinny all of a sudden :o had no idea what was wrong with her. She lived for about 4 weeks like that until the snails finally caught up with her :crazy: and she was gone :(