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  1. Jenni T

    Disease Killing Fish Fast, Please Help!

    Thankyou, glad yours got sorted! It's horrible watching them decline so quickly.
  2. Jenni T

    Disease Killing Fish Fast, Please Help!

    Fair enough, like I said the tank was new but the filter had well established bacteria as it had been in another tank for 2 years. It seemed odd that none of the other fish (the corys and the tetras) showed any illness until the fighters were introduced, and that the fighters were ill first...
  3. Jenni T

    Disease Killing Fish Fast, Please Help!

    Thanks for your replies, and yes thats exactly what I was thinking it was. Any suggestions for treatment? And what are the likley causes of it? We've just bought some melafix to treat the tank with now as I've seen its recommended for the disease. thanks for your help
  4. Jenni T

    Disease Killing Fish Fast, Please Help!

    Hi, This is on behalf of my boyfriend and we need help diagnosing what's going on with our fish, we have an idea what the disease is, but I won't say as I want to see everyones opinion first. The tank is 60/70 litres Ph is 8 Ammonia is 0 nitrite is 0 nitrate tested on friday is 10 kH: 7 tank...
  5. Jenni T

    Very Ill Shebunkin; Please Help Diagnose

    I will do thanks, and I know that's why we've only got the two in there with a big filter, we're thinking about getting a bigger tank for the two of them as it's really only just big enough. I do have a pond at my parents house which I put the other 2 shebunkins I was given him with in, but as...
  6. Jenni T

    Very Ill Shebunkin; Please Help Diagnose

    Just thought I'd update this thread if anyones interested. He improved a little after treatment, but my other half suggested it may be the largly fluctuating temperature as we live in a very old single brick wall house so it's utterly freezing in the winter, and ofcourse we have the heating on...
  7. Jenni T

    Very Ill Shebunkin; Please Help Diagnose

    Thanks for your replies guys, He's declined so quickly in the last 2 days I keep expecting to find him gone, which is why I posted incase there were any more suggestions. The tank has been set up about 2 years, but we've moved a few times so those 2 fish have been in the same tank together for...
  8. Jenni T

    Very Ill Shebunkin; Please Help Diagnose

    Hi there, I was hoping someone could help me with my shebunkin, he's been ill on and off for a while and nothing seems to be working to help him, and he's suddenly got worse in the last couple of days. He's in a 70 litre tank with one blackmoore. They're both about 2inches long (not including...
  9. Jenni T

    "freshwater" Moray Eel Needs A New Home

    I've owned a couple of "freshwater" morays (Gymnothorax Tile) for about 3 years in a Brackish tank, but the largest of the two (Boris) has now reached maturity and started picking on the smaller one (scampi) to show dominance, and because of this I feel its fairest to find the smaller one a new...