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  1. S

    First Time Fish Owner

    we went to a different fish store and i think we will be ok...we are getting another 55 gallon tank next week to house the oscar...we are going to move the ahli and keep all the other fish in the old 55 gallon tank since they are all the same size... the people at the new store were very helpful...
  2. S

    First Time Fish Owner

    the people at the store sold me all the fish together..when i bought the tank and told me it would be fine..i guess they lied...they told me i didnt need to test the water as long as we kept changing 10 % out weekly...great....obviously i know nothing about fish and u are a big far as...
  3. S

    First Time Fish Owner

    we got the tank new...we never had fish before...we started off with 5 then just added more...the oscar is still small hes is my 9 year old sons fish...when he grows we are going to put him in his own tank...i just dont want them to start eating each other...and i dont understand why the parrot...
  4. S

    First Time Fish Owner

    Hi everyone, I am a first time fish owner. We got a 55 gallon tank with cichlids...Im not to sure what i am doing..we have an Oscar, Red blood Parrot, Ahli and about 8 other smaller problem is my parrot stays inside the caves and only comes out to eat when no one is in the...