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    How Often To Do A Water Change?

    thanks for the fast replies, I'll change slightly more than i do now and keep it weekly. Cheers, Shaun.
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    How Often To Do A Water Change?

    Hi, I tried to do a search but it just returned too many topics. I'm just after a straight forward answer to how often i should perform a water change on my tank? Its an established jewel rekord 70 litre running a Fluval U3 filter, stocked with; 5 x Gold barbs, 2 x Garra rufa 2 x Platys 3 x...
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    Koi & Herons

    Its highly likely a heron has taken your fish, its also likely if it has it will return for more. Get yourself a net to cover the pond, this will keep the heron out and stop the fish jumping out. I know its not the most attractive of things but will give you some peace of mind. Just to add...
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    Thinking Of Creating A Pond In My Backyard

    get yourself one of these and you can pretty much plug and go
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    Recommended Fish Food For Goldfish

    best put you fish back in their natural habitat then, no tank can ever be as good as the real thing!
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    Is It Really An Oranda?

    Do you have a photo of the said fish?
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    Frog Stuck In The Pond

    as long as there is a low edge to the pond so it can get out it will find its own way, otherwise wait until its at the top and scoop it out. It won't do any harm in there and is unlikely to harm any fish of any sort. Shaun.
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    Looking For A Bottom Feeder

    where are you from? they are very common here in the uk, the green ones are easier to find than the gold ones tho. nice fish too.
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    Looking For A Bottom Feeder

    i would agree but would go for a gold tench as they will be easier to see. Shaun.
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    ok thanks. Shaun.
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    Hi, How would they have got there and do they cause any problems or can i just leave them alone? Cheers, Shaun.
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    Hi all, not sure if this is in the correct section, feel free to move it if not. I've just cleaned my filter out and found some small 'creatures' in the bottom, i have no idea what they are or if they will cause any peoblems for the fish? The are long and thin, it doesn't look like they have any...
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    Afternoon All

    thanks for the welcomes. i'll have to get some photos up once its all finished, got a little bit of tidying up to do first. I've got a small indoor tank with a few goldfish in, currently looking at getting a larger one but not sure i'f i'm staying cold water or not :huh: Shaun. B-)
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    Afternoon All

    Hi all. i'm new to the forum, just thought i'd post up a quick hello. I've just finished building myself a 5000l pond, was quite alot of work but well worth it. Cheers, Shaun.