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  1. *-jester-*

    Clown Loach Help

    Agreed, nothing to worry about mine also 'lays' in a vertical position alongside the heater :) ...they are a strange fish! :unsure:
  2. *-jester-*

    Guppy With Broken/damaged Fin ...will He Be Ok? (with Pics)

    I got one of these the other day... and the water tests ok with the exception of the Nitrate which somewhere between 25-50. However, this kit doesn't test the ammonia levels!? so I'm going to get a separate test kit for the ammonia ASAP. The filter is the Elite Stingray 15 Underwater Filter...
  3. *-jester-*

    Guppy With Broken/damaged Fin ...will He Be Ok? (with Pics)

    Thanks for the tips Faythee, That's exactly the information I wanted to hear :good: The white fur started to disappear within a few hours of putting the Pimafix in so could this be coincidence? or is it a sign that it was a fungal infection? I will still be keeping a close eye on any symptoms...
  4. *-jester-*

    Guppy With Broken/damaged Fin ...will He Be Ok? (with Pics)

    UPDATE I've now administered 2 doses of Pimafix for the fungal infection which has cleared up the white fur, and he seems to be using his fin a lot more now. Tanks everyone for your advise - NOT! :rolleyes: :sly: :sad:
  5. *-jester-*

    Guppy With Broken/damaged Fin ...will He Be Ok? (with Pics)

    The pics are big if you click on the pics to enlarge. :) The force of the airstone is turned right down and the fish doesn't seem to be struggling at all. Tank = 65 Litres only had it 1 month Fish = only 2 Guppies at the moment only had them for 1 week Water stats = unknown at the moment...
  6. *-jester-*

    Guppy With Broken/damaged Fin ...will He Be Ok? (with Pics)

    Hi, I'm a bit of a newbie, this is my first tropical tank and I've only had my Guppies (x2) for a week. I returned home from work and noticed to my horror that one of my fish appeared to be missing! :( I eventually found him wedged between the tank and an air-stone, naturally I freed him...