Search results

  1. C

    how do you dechlorinate the water

    you put the correct amount of dechlorinator in while putting the watter in . iwas wondering that same thing when i got a python. :D
  2. C

    your opion

    real plants look nice and lower the nitrates :D
  3. C

    my babies

    we took the breeder out there still small and there with our betta and they have started growing faster
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    my mom renamed rob to fred.
  5. C


    we have another named rob that looks just like him :D
  6. C

    mr scooby

    ill try to get a better picture. :D
  7. C

    my babies

    :D got them from the library
  8. PANA0040.JPG


  9. C

    mr scooby

    aint he cute :cool: :D
  10. PANA0045.JPG


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    :D here is spike
  12. fishf_006.jpg


  13. C


    sounds like your about there :D
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    how do you insert a picture into a topic? -_-
  15. C

    attention all big fish owners!!!!!!!!&

    i wish i could aford that.
  16. C

    new babys

    no its a man made pond they built with a fountain. people who dont want there fish just go and drop them there. ;)
  17. C

    new babys

    sell them. :D
  18. C

    new babys

    hi i just got about 200 babys from the pond behind the library they are a mixture i believe of swordtails guppys and plattys. :D
  19. C

    what kind of

    zucini,cucumber,or lettus i think. thats what i feed mine
  20. C

    Any difference between SW & FW tests?

    if it say saltwater you can not if it says both you can. :)
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    what temp. do angelfish perfer? :huh:
  22. C

    56 gallon

    we have 3 zebra danios 5 neon tetras 3 glowlight tetras 1 coulumbian cat 3 plattys 1 angle fish 2 glas cats 1 molly 1 pleco 1male 1female guppies and 1 sword tail.we have a 5 gallon bucket and a filter from our betta tank that can be used. we have contacted the place we bought it from so the...
  23. C

    56 gallon

    it was 1:13 am and the aquariam exploded waking me my mother and my father. we managed to save most of the our 2.5 gallon has 6 fish and our 10 gallon has14 and both of those is not including the 1 fish in eachtank. what can I do? :dunno:
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    Zebra Danio

    :no: never mind it is to late.
  25. C

    Zebra Danio

    my glow zebra danio is very ill he is swimming upside down and his gills are red but he is still moving ans breathing. Is there anything I can do for him? :(
  26. C

    angelfish question

    do you know how to tell the difference between a male and female angelfish? :huh:
  27. C


    just wanted to say hi. :D