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    My New Malawi Tank

    looking understocked at the mo. are you planning on adding more? looks nice apart from the lack of fish.
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    White Cloud Mountain Minnows - Shoals?

    yes, they prefer to be in groups, 5 0r 6 at least.
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    Pleco Help

    dont bother, too hard. & sailfins get huge.
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    your tank may be a bit small for killifish, hopefully someone on the forum knows more about them.
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    Crabs Or Frogs In My Tank

    i agree with zz, the crabs will try very hard to get out of the water and are great climbers & escape artists.
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    Jewul Rekord 800 And Sand

    i've had sand in my 800 for 18 months with no problems.
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    What Can I Have Other Than Fish?

    i'm sorry Rob but wall mounted tanks are a really, really bad idea & it sounds like you have a lot of fish in one. Way too many unless it's volume is a lot bigger than i fear it is. You'll be a lot better off putting the fish in a normal aquarium, also the white cloud minnows arent really...
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    Am I Overstocking? 2

    don't get algae eaters, they will get too big and too agressive for your tank. don't get neons in a new tank because chances are they will die.
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    Uv Steriliser

    are you really Uriel?
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    What Cichlid?

    they breed quite easily, you'll need to provide them with empty shells, like escargot shells from ebay which they live & breed in.
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    What Cichlid?

    see my above post, they like hard water and aren't expensive.
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    What Cichlid?

    Neolamprologus multifasciatus from Lake Tanganyika. You could keep a colony of these shell-dwellers in 125l. Very interesting to watch & not hard to find in good shops.
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    What To Stock?

    40l would be too small for SA cichlids, or probably any cichlids. Dwarf puffers might be a possibilty but you'll have to ask on the oddball or brackish forums.
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    110 Litre Stocking

    you could put some of the smaller Lake Tanganyikan cichlids in a 110l tank, like shell-dwellers.
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    Mature Filter

    it should help.
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    Aquarium Glass Source Query

    I hope you have really, really strong floors.
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    Stocking Help

    hi & welcome, i would have to say that the neons shouldn't be added to a new tank, even one that's been cycled, they tend to be a bit fragile & should be added at least 6 months after the tank is cycled and already stocked. I don't think siamese fighters do very well in community tanks...
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    Shy Clown Loaches.

    they can be quite shy & may only come out when it's dark, they also get way too big for a 180l tank.
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    Uk Question - Where To Get Rocks?

    garden centres are a good source, also if you have a good aquatic store (such as maidenhead aquatics) nearby they usually have rocks for sale. Many garden centres also have aquatic centres as well.
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    120 Litre Stock Help

    hi, your 2 japanese algae eating sucker fish will get too big & aggressive for a 120l tank i'm afriad.
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    Weekend Food?

    unless you're going away for more than a week or so then the fish will cope without food. they don't usually eat every day in the wild.
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    Would A Fw Angelfish Be Ok....

    angel fish see smaller tetras as food.
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    Here We Go

    Hi, as a 1st tank i would go for an all in one set-up like the Juwel Rekord range or similar, they're easy to get up and running as a beginner and you shouldn't have to pay more than £100 for the sort of size you're after. Although it's a good idea to get the largest tank you can afford as they...
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    Tank Friends

    the red tailed shark is going to get too big/aggressive for a small biorb like yours i'm afraid.
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    Filter To Be Used?

    shouldn't cause any trouble, goldfish are messy so need a big filter.
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    55 Gallon Setup?

    you could probably have just 1 RTB shark but more than that would fight i think. I'm pretty sure clown loaches get really big (1 foot?) and difficult temperentally so maybe not a good idea. If your tank is tall enough then angels are fine, i'm sure others know more about them tho.
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    Please Help

    lose the capital letters first please. i think you've got enough fish there for a 60l tank.
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    Stocking Ideas

    ok, maybe 20g if they're on their own.
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    Stocking Ideas

    neons shouldn't be added to a new tank, they're quite fragile these days. also think that 90l is too small for the keyholes but i've never kept them. I'd forget the birchir as well. Corys will get on with anything tho.
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    I've Finally Brought My Tank...

    if you're using aqua-safe (or whatever) properly then no need to test for chlorine. A new sponge is fine, as long as you don't use any products with it (eg soap,bleach ^ so on).
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    New Fish Tank

    pebbles is spelt pebbles. you haven't given any info, re tank size, fish stocking level, water parameters.
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    New Plants Arriving Soon Advice Please

    just plant them in the substrate (sand or gravel) they don't need any special treatment.
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    Fish Noob Need Help With Tank

    it's up to you, but do a lot of reading first, it takes time to set up a FW or marine tank properly. there are loads of websites, including this one with info on setting a tank up properly. looks like you do have a marine kit. Just don;t rush it!
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    Fish Noob Need Help With Tank

    tropical usually means freshwater, marine refers to saltwater, which is a fair bit more expensive than freshwater and a bit more complex to set up and keep running. You're best starting off with a FW set-up.
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    Newbie Advice Needed.....

    the danio's spend all their time swimming near the top, platies are active as well. they may be adjusting to their new surroundings, you should check the water temp tho.
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    Cichlid Question

    i had two kribensis in a community tank, bit smaller than yours but they were fine with the other fish.
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    Red Crab In Community Tank?

    they're also brilliant escapologist.
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    Going Away For A Couple Of Days, Cycling Question

    i wouldn't bother, the danio's would be stressed.
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    New Tank Stock Questions

    apparently neons do very badly in new tanks, cycled or not, i'd wait 6 months before introducing any of them.