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  1. K

    Compatibility Issues

    Oh they won't? LOL someone on a different site said the rams would eat my Corydoras Catfish eyes' out and kill my sparkling gouramis. Ok so taking that advice into account, hows this? 10 Sparkling Gouramis 10 Peppered Corydoras Catfish 4 German Blue Rams (2 Males 2 Females) 2 Opaline Gouramis...
  2. K

    Wanting To Do This Fish Tank Right....:)

    So I've read/heard all kinds of conflicting advice for a planted tank and this is what I want: Densely planted with Water Sprite, Java Fern, Anubias etc. NO CO2 (been there done that lol) NO algae :) So...what kind of lighting should I get? I love all those flashy plants that need a ton, but...
  3. K

    Compatibility Issues

    Ah ok I didn't know Pictus eat other fish :( I also had someone tell me that 8 rams would be a problem on a different site, so I've revised that to four rams, 2 males and 2 females. They also told me that the rams might attack the sparkling gouramis too :( Do you think I could still have the...
  4. K

    Compatibility Issues

    So I'm thinking of starting a 55 Gallon Tank. So far I have two possible stocking plans, a peaceful and a semi-aggressive. For the Peaceful I'm thinking of: 8 German Blue Rams 6 Peppered Corydoras Catfish 4 Sparkling Gouramis 1 Gold Nugget Pleco OR 1 Clown Pleco OR 1 Bristlenose Pleco 3-6...
  5. K

    Thinking Of Starting A 55 Gallon Tank...:d

    Yes I can get a powerful filter :) The sparkling gouramis are tiny, about 2" max. I think I had too much light in the old tank (it was a 20 gallon) and I was dosing, I just forgot what I used, and I'm not sure how often I was using it. I'll go look at the articles now
  6. K

    Thinking Of Starting A 55 Gallon Tank...:d

    Hey I'm new to the forums but not to fish keeping. I was pretty successful with fish, but not the plants but I want to start over. I want a low tech, low light and heavily planted tank with easy plants like Java Fern and Anubias with Malaysian driftwood as hardscape. Last time I went with medium...