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  1. D

    Doggiebag's First Fishless Cycle - Juwel Rekord 600

    well, a week or so on from adding mature media and I was still getting nitrite at 1 on 12 hours, it made no difference whatsoever. I was close to giving up, as it had stayed this way for over a month, after getting my first 0's at 12 hours, no idea why it never resolved it........ I ended up...
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    Doggiebag's First Fishless Cycle - Juwel Rekord 600

    okay, I moved my 4 apple snails to the hex tank and then used the sponge from their fully cycled tank to fill the gap in my juwel tank filter, moving the floss to the top......I am hoping this boost of mature media/bacteria will be enough to get this one finished.........the media would have...
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    Doggiebag's First Fishless Cycle - Juwel Rekord 600

    then tonight it was 0.25, it just can't make up its mind....
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    Doggiebag's First Fishless Cycle - Juwel Rekord 600

    ah well, excitement over, as suspected tonights reading was back at 1.0..............I've really had it with this one. I can't see it ever being finished. It has been reading the same for weeks now, even after a waterchange a mild filter clean........
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    Doggiebag's First Fishless Cycle - Juwel Rekord 600

    well I may hold off for a bit anyway.................strangely enough, after dumping in the leftover safestart into the filter, 24 hours later my 12 hour reading was DOUBLE ZEROS, the first in weeks as you know how long this has stalled..........I was so shocked!!!!! Anyway, will see what it...
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    Doggiebag's First Fishless Cycle - Juwel Rekord 600

    I wonder..............would I be able to add my wcmm (8) to the 63 litre and then add all the sponge from their current filter? (this filter has been going for 6 months and it rock solid) if I stuffed it is the gap, or placed on the top of the filter then surely it would help the new filter...
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    Doggiebag's First Fishless Cycle - Juwel Rekord 600

    getting desperate so dumped in the last teeny 12ml of safestart I had lying around, dumped it directly on filter in the teeniest glimmer of desperate hope it may help the nitrite bas grow lol, see, its sending me mad now lol
  8. D

    Doggiebag's First Fishless Cycle - Juwel Rekord 600

    Day 68: 16/10/09: AM TEST: ammonia 0, nitrite 0 added 4 ppm ammonia PM TEST: ammonia 0, nitrite 0.40 (at 13.5 hours, not 12) Day 69: 17/10/09: AM TEST: ammonia 0, nitrite 0 added 4 ppm ammonia PM TEST: ammonia 0, nitrite 1.0 Day 70: 18/10/09: removed old filter floss and stuffed new...
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    Doggiebags 2nd Fishless Cycle, With Help.....using Seachem Stability

    Day 48: 16/10/09: AM TEST:ammonia 0, nitrite 0, added 4ppm ammonia PM TEST:ammonia 0, nitrite 0.10 Day 49: 17/10/09: AM TEST:ammonia 0, nitrite 0, added 4ppm ammonia PM TEST:ammonia 0, nitrite 0.10 Day 50: 18/10/09: AM TEST:ammonia 0, nitrite 0, added 4ppm ammonia PM TEST:ammonia 0...
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    Doggiebag's First Fishless Cycle - Juwel Rekord 600

    still reading 1.0 nitrite at 12 hours today................................
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    Doggiebags 2nd Fishless Cycle, With Help.....using Seachem Stability

    I had intended this tank for 2 apple snails and my 5 armano want to be sure its okay for them. Not a huge bio-load but a very sensitive one...... reading tonight was trace nitrite again, maybe around 0.05-0.10ish
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    Doggiebag's First Fishless Cycle - Juwel Rekord 600

    just did the 12 hour test, the ammonia is at 0 still so I haven't knocked the bacteria too much, thankfully. The nitrate was at 1.0, so that has risen a teeny bit, but Im not worried. I have been wanting to move the floss in the filter for a while and change the order, so you guys just...
  13. D

    Doggiebag's First Fishless Cycle - Juwel Rekord 600

    thanks for all this help guys........ okay, the way it was set up before was, water in.....goes through filter floss, then coarse sponge, then gap, then fine sponge, then up past heater and through pump..... the filter floss has been in since day 1, it is now day 70 and it looked pretty brown...
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    Doggiebag's First Fishless Cycle - Juwel Rekord 600

    yes, they are all pushed together as tight as the basket will allow, there may be a small gap between the two large sponges of maybe 5mm, they are stacked up end to end instead of stacked on top of each other like on the bigger juwel tanks. Tested this one tonight at 13.5 hours it was between...
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    Doggiebags 2nd Fishless Cycle, With Help.....using Seachem Stability

    just tested tonight, bit late at 13.5 hours, it was a definite 0 nitrite at that point.
  16. D

    Doggiebag's First Fishless Cycle - Juwel Rekord 600

    Im using the juwel filter that came with the tank, it has one large fine sponge, one large coarse sponge and some filter floss , I never added the carbon sponge. It has the newer 280 litre bio-pump and the flow is strong and I added the air diffuser to the outlet too. It is seriously driving...
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    Doggiebags 2nd Fishless Cycle, With Help.....using Seachem Stability

    it really is just a trace, sort of a washed out mid blue, not the clear bright pale blue of the zero, but a hint of purple to make it a deeper blue but not purple. it is actually a similar blue to the lower stripe of blue on this post, the one containing the edit/quote/reply...
  18. D

    Doggiebag's First Fishless Cycle - Juwel Rekord 600

    Day 64: 12/10/09: AM TEST: ammonia 0, nitrite 0 added 4 ppm ammonia PM TEST: ammonia 0, nitrite 0.75 Day 65: 13/10/09: AM TEST: ammonia 0, nitrite 0 added 4 ppm ammonia PM TEST: ammonia 0, nitrite 0.75 Day 66: 14/10/09: AM TEST: ammonia 0, nitrite 0 added 4 ppm ammonia PM TEST...
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    Doggiebags 2nd Fishless Cycle, With Help.....using Seachem Stability

    Day 44: 12/10/09: AM TEST:ammonia 0, nitrite 0, added 4ppm ammonia PM TEST: ammonia 0, nitrite 0.10 Day 45: 13/10/09: AM TEST:ammonia 0, nitrite 0, added 4ppm ammonia PM TEST:ammonia 0, nitrite 0.25 Day 46: 14/10/09: AM TEST:ammonia 0, nitrite 0, added 4ppm ammonia PM TEST:ammonia 0...
  20. D

    Doggiebag's First Fishless Cycle - Juwel Rekord 600

    tested last night and the nitrites are back up to around 0.75..............I just don't see how this can keep going lower then bouncing back up again, it is seriously driving me nuts now. The other tank seems far more steady and is still staying low or dropping lower, this one can't make up its...
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    Doggiebags 2nd Fishless Cycle, With Help.....using Seachem Stability

    thanks guys. Almost there me thinks Just wish the other one would hurry up, that is the one I need the most.
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    Doggiebag's First Fishless Cycle - Juwel Rekord 600

    me too lol This one seems very erratic.............I forgot to add my ammonia yesterday morning, so added it 2 hours late. which meant I could only test at 11hours, but this one was at 1.0 nitrite at 11 hours, so it seems to have gone back up again. I am so close to giving up, trouble is I...
  23. D

    Doggiebag's First Fishless Cycle - Juwel Rekord 600

    Day 53: 01/10/09: AM TEST: ammonia 0, nitrite 0 added 4 ppm ammonia PM TEST: ammonia 0, nitrite 1.0 Day 54: 02/10/09: AM TEST: ammonia 0, nitrite 0 added 4 ppm ammonia PM TEST: ammonia 0, nitrite 1.0 Day 55: 03/10/09: AM TEST: ammonia 0, nitrite 0 added 4 ppm ammonia PM TEST...
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    Doggiebags 2nd Fishless Cycle, With Help.....using Seachem Stability

    Day 33: 01/10/09: AM TEST:ammonia 0, nitrite 0, added 4ppm ammonia PM TEST:ammonia 0, nitrite 1.0 Day 34: 02/10/09: AM TEST:ammonia 0, nitrite 0, added 4ppm ammonia PM TEST:ammonia 0, nitrite 0.50 Day 35: 03/10/09: AM TEST:ammonia 0, nitrite 0, added 4ppm ammonia PM TEST:ammonia 0...
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    Doggiebag's First Fishless Cycle - Juwel Rekord 600

    okay WD, thanks, as long as Im still in the 'normal' range lol I will see how it goes over the next few days and then amybe do a large waterchange if it still doesn't shift......ammonia seems to be processing again now, well at least it did today
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    Doggiebag's First Fishless Cycle - Juwel Rekord 600

    aarggghhhh, tested this morning and at 24 hours there was ammonia of 0.50 !!!! First time in weeks.....what on earth is going on !???? Only topped up a smaller amount of ammonia, taking into account the reading I got, will monitor it really close now. Feeling very defeated now, can't...
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    Doggiebag's First Fishless Cycle - Juwel Rekord 600

    well, Im being a good girl and waiting it out lol
  28. D

    Doggiebags 2nd Fishless Cycle, With Help.....using Seachem Stability

    Im going to be a good girl and try my best to be patient, I am going to do the best by my fish, even if it goes against my impatient nature lol I had reduced the temp gradually from 29c to 26c over the past 2 weeks as I was concerned about a sudden drop off in temp at the end (had read in...
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    Doggiebags 2nd Fishless Cycle, With Help.....using Seachem Stability

    Thanks WD.........the ph levels are okay and I did do a large waterchange on both tanks a little while ago, so not sure it would kickstart it now? The filter on this and my other one both are okay too, not clogged or mucky, they both look fairly clean, so maybe a light clean my not be wise...
  30. D

    Newbies Needs Advice - Wcmm Flicking

    do you think this is the issue then? I had them for a long time before they even started flicking and they came from a supplier that also has hard I had researched them fully and the ph range seems fine for minnows?????? They are not as sensitive to ph as gouramis...
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    Doggiebag's First Fishless Cycle - Juwel Rekord 600

    Day 52: 30/09/09 AM TEST:ammonia 0, nitrite 0, added 4ppm ammonia PM TEST:ammonia 0, nitrite 1.0, tested again at 14 hours nitrite <0.25 about 0.20 is this usual? to get 0's one day or two, then get 1.0!? driving me nuts now..............I can see no end to it lol
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    Doggiebags 2nd Fishless Cycle, With Help.....using Seachem Stability

    Day 32: 30/09/09: AM TEST:ammonia 0, nitrite 0, added 4ppm ammonia PM TEST:ammonia 0, nitrite 1.0 this is getting annoying now, one day 0 the next 1 arrggghhhh, tested at 14 hours 0.25 nitrite
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    Doggiebag's First Fishless Cycle - Juwel Rekord 600

    Day 41: 19/09/09: AM TEST: ammonia 0, nitrite 0 added 4-5 ppm ammonia PM TEST: ammonia 0, nitrite 0.25 Day 42: 20/09/09: AM TEST: ammonia 0, nitrite 0 added 4-5 ppm ammonia PM TEST: ammonia 0, nitrite 0.50 Day 43: 21/09/09: AM TEST: ammonia 0, nitrite 0 added 4-5 ppm ammonia PM...
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    Doggiebags 2nd Fishless Cycle, With Help.....using Seachem Stability

    Day 21: 19/09/09: AM TEST: ammonia 0, nitrite 0 added 4-5 ppm ammonia PM TEST: ammonia 0, nitrite 0.50 Day 22: 20/09/09: AM TEST: ammonia 0, nitrite 0 added 4-5 ppm ammonia PM TEST: ammonia 0, nitrite 0.50 Day 23: 21/09/09: AM TEST: ammonia 0, nitrite 0 added 4-5 ppm ammonia PM...
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    Doggiebag's First Fishless Cycle - Juwel Rekord 600

    great guys, thanks haven't updated my threads yet, but this tank had 0.25 nitrite at 12 hours and the other one was at 0.50, so its not there just yet.......almost though. will keep testing and dosing and wait it out.......
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    Doggiebag's First Fishless Cycle - Juwel Rekord 600

    thanks, yeah Im thinking I may have just had a lucky test too lol, we'll see how it goes, no rush, Im happy waiting it out. Yeah I know, a woman who is happy waiting, shock, horror lol WD, just to let you know, in case you think my test is off......when I tested before and the day it was at...
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    Doggiebag's First Fishless Cycle - Juwel Rekord 600

    yes they did, oh no, your gonna tell me something wrong aren't you lol..........its too good to be true aint it..... it is odd, the second tank was almost 2 weeks ahead of the first, then as soon as the nitrites went to 0 in 24 hours they have mirrored each other day to day.........
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    Doggiebags 2nd Fishless Cycle, With Help.....using Seachem Stability

    brilliant, thanks so much for your guidance its gotten exciting, actually I have really enjoyed doing the fishless, the stress levels are much better than fish-in lol and the buzz you get when the levels drop is fab :D fingers crossed both tanks stay on zeros now, my wcmm...
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    Doggiebag's First Fishless Cycle - Juwel Rekord 600

    Day 40: 18/09/09: AM TEST: ph 7.8, ammonia 0, nitrite 0, added 4-5ppm ammonia PM TEST: ammonia 0, nitrite 0, at last, 0's at 12 I on to the qualifying week now? As long as the 0's stay of course.......
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    Doggiebags 2nd Fishless Cycle, With Help.....using Seachem Stability

    Day 20: 18/09/09: AM TEST: ph 7.8, ammonia 0, nitrite 0 added 4-5 ppm ammonia PM TEST: ammonia 0, nitrite 0 at last we have 0's at 12 hours !!!! what do I do now? is this where I do the qualifying week?