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  1. STE_N_EM

    Which Is Best For My 22 Gallon Tank

    Hi, Once again not to sound repetative but i'd go with the 3rd option, and again would advise you to get more Cory's as they are fantastic cleaners and work well in numbers of around 6. Just make sure that the bottom of the tank e.g sand or stone isn't sharp or the Cory's may injure...
  2. STE_N_EM


    Hi everyone. I'm looking at getting a Ray, I have two sucessful tropical tanks and I'm looking at getting a new large tank capable of housing a Ray or two. I have spoken to petshop workers who care for them aswell as looking at book and the net. I understand alot about the Rays, but I am...
  3. STE_N_EM


    Hey Hazza, 30 degrees is the perfect temp for Discus to be kept at. Our Discus are kept at 28-29 degrees. This is because we have Cherry Shrimp which wouldn't tollerate the Discus's prefered 30 degrees. Discuss will tollerate most tank mates, but be certain that any new members to your tank...