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  1. S


    hi again well today when i woke up i found that the gravid spot on my guppy was a pink colour and it had grown a little on its right on its left there is only a small black dot. ok so what youre telling me is that my fish are going to have 120+ babies in total! how long does it take for the...
  2. S


    hi yeh thamks for that howmany babies does a guppy really have because when i looked on the internet it said about 50+ and seen as ive got two pregnant guppys this could lead to havok anyway my friends at school want some so ill give some to them im only ten years old andi know quite alot about...
  3. S


    hi nelly, yeh thanks for that i only have two females and they are both pregnant how many babies do you think it will have? a friend a school gave me them from a river in her garden thanks oh yeh im going to put this photo of one of my guppies on here soon bye.
  4. S


    hi, yeh i joined today and ive got two female guppies who are pregnant and im not so sure if they are pregnant because the pictures ive seen on the internet have big gravid spots and my fishes arent that big, hope you can reply soon bye