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    1 Fish Out Of 8 Gasping For Air After Water Change

    indeed!! its funny how fast 2 hours goes by when you are staring at the tank like its your newborn. LOL
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    1 Fish Out Of 8 Gasping For Air After Water Change

    Well update guys, the pacu seems to be healing or just "snapping out of it" The gasping slowed down to just a slight little bit and by late last night he was right on par with the other pacu, all back to normal. It's almost like hiccupps though because every so often it will gasp just a few...
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    1 Fish Out Of 8 Gasping For Air After Water Change

    The Bala shark is good, I'm waiting on a camera to come in the mail and i can attach a picture of them. When I said skinny i just meant it was like this As opposed to this: I thought the fish...
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    1 Fish Out Of 8 Gasping For Air After Water Change

    dont keep any of them? the other fish are all really normal as i have known them to be over the last 10 months....i know thats not quite long enough to tell but they made it from a 29gal to this current tank 2 months ago with no issues....i cant see myself letting them go based off this...
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    1 Fish Out Of 8 Gasping For Air After Water Change

    ok update...going on hour 24 of my tropical fish hellride. pacu still gasping but otherwise eating, swimming normally, even playing with other pacu actively. so weird. i did another partial water change and more dragonfish remains like came up out of i dont know where. im thinking my water...
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    1 Fish Out Of 8 Gasping For Air After Water Change

    i did vacuum the gravel, and i have prun new carbon. im not opposed to doing another water change but i tell you i'm afraid i will mess it up even worse. It is a bala shark, i didn't know that. Heck I didn't know pacus got so big, i listened to my friend who i *thought* knew what she was talking...
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    1 Fish Out Of 8 Gasping For Air After Water Change

    ok update #2 just threw in some flakes and he is actively eating and going for the food. I'm happy about that!!! Still sad though that the gasping hasn't died down. Any advice, tips, snide remarks, etc are welcomed!! :) -amy
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    1 Fish Out Of 8 Gasping For Air After Water Change

    ok test levels confirm everything is good, nitrate was slightly high but not in the danger zone. Pacu is still laboring to breath, all other fish are still doing wonderfully. I wonder if he is going to bounce back, and i welcome any advice on if this goes on and on, do i just euthanize him...
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    1 Fish Out Of 8 Gasping For Air After Water Change

    I did a hefty water change earlier today :) didnt condition before adding though, but temperature was good. I am leaving soon and will get a test kit....the air stone and bubble wall are going strong, i also left about 2-3 inches of water out so that the filter will move the water surface really...
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    1 Fish Out Of 8 Gasping For Air After Water Change

    Thanks for the reply :) I have not tested the water, i don't have a kit. Im pretty sure its ok because all of the other fish are perfectly fine, I mean i looked at them for 2 hours trying to see any weird behavior out of any of them, but nothing they are perfect! The water changing container is...
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    1 Fish Out Of 8 Gasping For Air After Water Change

    Ok guys, I am brand new to this, so here it goes Tank is 50 gallons, running with 2 penguin 330 bio wheels, 2 air bars for a wall and an air stone under a decoration. No living decorations just typical decor. Fish in tank: 2 plecos, 2 danios, silver black tailed shark (its body is skinny), 1...