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    Mollie - red spot on gill

    Could you find a picture of this red spot on the gills, so I can correcyly and better diognose the problem. Healthy gills are recognized by their bright red color and by not sticking toghter.
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    Common Bigginer Mistakes

    Post your mistakes here so everyone (mostly newbies) can see them so they won't do the same thing. If you could make it a sticky so it will stay on the top for everyone to see. My first mistake was putting water in the tank and not treating it of course this happened when I first started out...
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    What does Ick look like?

    Hello :) Common name: White spot disease, "Ick", Ich Scientific name: Ichthyopthirius multifilis Ich is a ciliated protozoan parasite that infests freshwater tropical fish, goldfish, koi, and other gamefish species. Ich is a relatively large protozoan, up to one mm in diameter. Ich...
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    Help Please

    An eye condition, also known as bubble-eye among aquarists, but correctly termed exphthalmus. It is often a symptom of an internat pathogenic disease or an envioromental health problem rather than disease in it's own right, but is almost invatiably regarded by aquariasts as a the latter...
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    Snails and snails and more snails

    Ahh! Mystery Snails, appear out of no where. Clown loaches are a good way to get rid of them, but loaches get big about a foot long, you'd need a big tank for a school of those.
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    Neon Tetra

    Do you have anyother fish in there except the neons? If so they could be ganging up on them. Neons, are very sensitive to PH, water temperture changes, acualy anything. When I first started I had neons I had 10 then in a few weeks it was a total of 3 I had left, fianly I found out it was my fish...
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    Cloudy Water

    Hello, first off more info is needed, tank size, filtration, water parameters, and finaly how long has it been set up. White cloudiness is a result of a bacteria bloom. Sometimes the cleaning of all filters at once, or the changing of the gravel can trigger a bacteria bloom, due to the...