Search results

  1. G

    Assassin Snails For Sale

    I'll have 1 or 2 off you mate? £1 each?? Or are you looking to get rid of them all together?
  2. G

    Yoyo Loach Vs Dg!

    I recently added a Pakistani loach to my 180l tank to reduce a snail problem i've been having. However, over the past week it has appeared to latch itself onto my Dwarf Gourami and moves itself along the head and body of the gourami, almost appearing to be cleaning him. My gourami doesn't show...
  3. G

    Siamese Algae Eaters

    Does anyone know where I can purchase a Crossocheilus siamensis in the West Midlands area? Preferably Birmingham but willing to travel further afield as I can't seem to find a FS anywhere. Plenty of Flying Foxes and Chinese Algae eaters etc but no SAE! Please help.......
  4. G


    Do you have a full length picture mate? Including the stand? Thanks in advance.
  5. G

    Juwel Vision 180, Stand, Equipment, Plants & Fish

    Thanks for letting me know! :good:
  6. G

    Juwel Vision 180, Stand, Equipment, Plants & Fish

    Hmm, email me instead if you [email protected]
  7. G

    Juwel Vision 180, Stand, Equipment, Plants & Fish

    I don't mean to be clogging up the board with these silly posts but can't figure out how to send a message (say's i'm not allowed too!) Could you PM me and see if I can reply?
  8. G

    Juwel Vision 180, Stand, Equipment, Plants & Fish

    No probs, may seem a silly question but what colour was it?
  9. G

    Juwel Vision 180, Stand, Equipment, Plants & Fish

    Just out of interest, how much did you sell the tank for?
  10. G

    Juwel Vision 180, Stand, Equipment, Plants & Fish

    Any news mate? Is it still for sale?
  11. G

    Juwel Rio 125 Dark Wood For Sale - Swindon Wiltshire

    Any news on these pictures mate?
  12. G

    Juwel Vision 180, Stand, Equipment, Plants & Fish

    What colour is the tank and stand? I'm a newbie to this, so apologies for my ignorance, but will it come all ready to go? Just add gravel, plants and fish? Thanks in advance.
  13. G

    Juwel Rio 125 Beech W/cabinet, Internal Filter And Heater

    Was it a recent ebay buy? Essex is a bit far for me but I was bidding on 3 myself (derby, Leicester and Birmingham) but due to being at work lost out on both, if it was one of these and you haven't yet picked it up i'll get it straight from there. (hope that makes sense!)
  14. G

    Fluval Roma 125

    Shame you live so far away!! I know you'll probably decline but how's £50 taking into account the lack of filter and 7 hour round trip it will take me to collect?