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  1. C

    Could This Be Caused By Stress?

    Last month after I done a big clean out of my tank (water change, cleaned all tank decorations and replaced light bulbs that had been blown for weeks) I noticed my Opaline Gouramis fin looked a bit red at the base and the next day spred up his fin. So I put a single dose of King British Fin Rot...
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  3. C

    Gourami Looking Sorry For Himself...

    I got some small Opaline and Golden Gourami on sunday and when I got them home I noticed that one of the Opalines left eye had a cloudy patch on it and his left feeler also is a fair big shorter than the right. I got my dad (who has been keeping fish for over 30 years) to have a look at it and...
  4. C

    My First Ever Plant...

    Been keeping fish for years but never tried real plants... untill now! Spotted this plant that I really like in my LFS today... no idea what it is though, any help? I only put it in there about an hour ago and my gourami seems to love it already =]
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  6. C

    Opaline Gourami Aggresive?

    I did think about Honey Gourami but some people have warned about the two together because the Honey is so much smaller and more timid. Iv had my male Opaline for at least a year now, the male I bought him with was weak so died and his best buddy is now a Molly lol they swim about the tank side...
  7. C

    Opaline Gourami Aggresive?

    Ahh that sounds like a nice tank. Im deff gonna put 2 female Opalines in my tank. Dont know how many fish im gonna be able to fit in there though because my tanks only 30gallon, would like a couple of Golden (or maybe settle for something smaller orange/gold) too for a good colour contrast...
  8. C

    Opaline Gourami Aggresive?

    Are male Opaline agressive to other males? I used to have two male Opaline and one female Dwarf Gourami and they all used to chase eachother about but never harm eachother but I have read that Opaline males are agressive whereas iv been told in my LFS that in general female Gourami are more...
  9. C

    Can You Identify This Catfish?

    Ahh Bumblebee does ring a bell actually, thanks. This one is about 4.5inches but the other one I have is about an inch smaller and gets chased about quite a bit.
  10. C

    Can You Identify This Catfish?

    I bought 2 of these catfish a few years ago but cannot remember what they are called. Also if anyone can tell me how to sex them it would be helpfull to, Thanks.
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  12. C

    90 Gallon Tank Options

    I have had a 90 gallon tank for a couple of years now but only ever kept Tetras, Guppies and Mollies with a couple of gouramis in there so far and a majority of them have died off now, mainly though age. So I am thinking of getting something different and more long living than guppies and...