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    Female Chases Male Pearl Gourami?

    I got a pair of pearl gouramis about 5 days ago and added them to my 30 gallon. Other inhabitants: 5 celestial pearl danios, 2 bristlenose plecos, 1 molly, 1 small angel. What I'm assuming is the male has a strong orange/red around the throat, and what I'm assuming is the female has faint...
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    Angelfish Missing Fins Or Parts Of Fins And Tail

    I'm going to have to borrow a friend's camera to get a good picture (all I have is my phone) so I'll post back with the picture tomorrow. I guess if the danios nipping is what I'm looking at, is there anything I can do to slow them down? Would stressed or hungry fish be more likely to nip...
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    Angelfish Missing Fins Or Parts Of Fins And Tail

    I already posted a thread here this morning saying my new angelfish was staying in the top rear corner by the filter and and not eating. I thought it could be from stress of the mail-order trip and new home and those ideas were re-affirmed by members of the community here. However this evening...
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    New Angel Just Sits In The Top-rear Corner

    Thanks, I thought it just might be stress from the move, but I wanted to be on the safe side
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    New Angel Just Sits In The Top-rear Corner

    acclimation was about an hour and a half. My stats are 0, 0, 5 with a ph of 7 temperature is 77F
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    New Angel Just Sits In The Top-rear Corner

    Yesterday I got my new angelfish and some celestial pearl danios which I had purchased online. They've been in the tank for about 20 hours now. The danios were very pale and lacking any color when I put them in the tank, but by now they've livened up really well and colors are back, eating...
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    Planting My Tank: Flourite With Something On Top Or

    Is just the Flourite okay? I read this article that said to mix the flourite with peat moss and top with finer substrate like gravel. The guy at the LFS said not to bother with the peat moss or other layer. I thought about it and if I did the flourite/peat moss and finer substrate on...
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    First Timer, Can I Go Too Big?

    Hey, I've been reading this site and some others for a couple of weeks now because someone piqued my interest in starting an aquarium. I believe I've learned a lot about how to start and maintain an aquarium and I'm ready to go for it. But I have a couple of options for acquiring a tank and...