Search results

  1. F

    What To Add?

    I have: 1 Male Opaline Gourami (Scared of his own reflection) 2 Gold Barbs 3 Harlequin Rasboras in a 30 gallon tank. I want to know what I can add to it.I am planning on adding 2 or more gouramis. Preferably Gold, Moonlight or Pearl Gouramis. I might also add some of the Hegeli Rasoboras. hat...
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    Mystery Cichlid

    It is definetly not a rainbow cichlid. It has a midas shaped head. I took it to the fish manager at Denny's Pet World in Kirkland, Wa. He has narrowed it down to the: Black Bar Midas, some sort of Flowerhorn or a Red Terror. He is 3 inches long and can beat the crap out of Tilapia Butterforiki...
  3. F

    Angel X Blue Ram

    Probably a Long Fin BLue Balloon Ram. I have 3.
  4. F

    My New Tank! (setup)

    Sorry camera battery dead and I cant get a good shot anyway. Bummer.
  5. F

    My New Tank! (setup)

    I started from scratch on my 30 gallon. I kept the cories and the clown pleco. In the miscellaneous African Cichlid Tank at petsmart I saw a Livingstoni, Green Terrors and 1 other odd fish in a African tank. I asked what it was and the lady told my one of the employees bred a convict Cichlid...
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    How Many Firemouth Cichlids Can I Have In A 30 Gallon Tank?

    how many Firemouth Cichlids can I have in a 30 gallon tank? I have a new 30 gallon thats cycled.
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    What Are Your Top 10 Tropical Fish

    1 Electric BLue Jack Dempsey Pretty 2 Salvini Cichlid Pretty and Hardcore 3 Green Terror Pretty, Hardcore and Intelligent 4 Moonlight Gourami Shiny 5 Zebra Pleco Expensive
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    What Are Your Dream Tanks?

    Have you ever thought what it would be like to have your favorite fish in a huge aquarium? Well I'm giving you a chance to express what your dream tank is! My dream tank is a 500 gallon corner tank with: 1 Male Electric Blue Jack Dempsey 2 Female Jack Dempseys 1 Female Salvini Cichlid 2 Female...
  9. F

    Can Someone Give Me Advice?

    I have a 30 gallon tank that I have and I want ideas for things to put in. I have 1 Krib, 4 cories and 1 clown pleco. I'm soon to get the krib a mate. What else can I put in? The main question is how can I convince my parents to set up my new 20 gallon and what can I put in it? Not livebearers.
  10. F

    Cichlid Communtiy Q's

    From an earlier post "(Hi again I have a 30 gallon tank and I'm going to try to turn it in to to a cichlid community. I'm going to start almost from scratch. I will start with 1 Female Krib, 1 Clown Pleco and possibly 3 cories if they are compatible. Can I put in any of these fish species with...
  11. F

    Cichlid Compatibilty

    Hi again I have a 30 gallon tank and I'm going to try to turn it in to to a cichlid community. I'm going to start almost from scratch. I will start with 1 Female Krib, 1 Clown Pleco and possibly 3 cories if they are compatible. Can I put in any of these fish species with the mix?: Salvin's...
  12. F

    Tears In Heaven...

    3 of my fish just past in the last 2 weeks because of brutal beatings from my 3 lyretail swordtails. The first one to fall was a 3-4 inch Snakeskin Gourami. Then a 1.5 inch black lyretail molly. And last night my prized moonlight Gourami. Apparently he had gil flukes and didn't know and then my...
  13. F

    What Can I Put In My 30 Gallon Tank?

    I have 1 Kribensis, 3 Orange Hi fin Lyretail Swordtails, 1 Sterbai Cory, 1 Black Sail Cory, 1 Peppered Cory, 1 Clown Pleco and 2 African Dwarf Frogs. PS I do not use the 1 inch per gallon rule ( can you put a 10 inch fish in a 10 gallon tank? NO!) I also don't count algae eaters, frogs, snails...
  14. F

    Tank Compatibility

    I have 1 Kribensis, 3 Orange Hi fin Lyretail Swordtails, 1 Sterbai Cory, 1 Black Sail Cory, 1 Peppered Cory, 1 Clown Pleco and 2 African Dwarf Frogs. PS I do not use the 1 inch per gallon rule ( can you put a 10 inch fish in a 10 gallon tank? NO!) I also don't count algae eaters, frogs, snails...
  15. F

    Cichlid Compatibiity

    Is that the Blue acara? Don't they get kinda big?
  16. F

    Severum Tank Size

    How big of a tank do you need for 1 adult severum? What about a breeding pair (tank size)?
  17. F

    Cichlid Compatibiity

    My moonlight got extremely agressive when I added the new krib. There are plenty of hiding spots. My swordtails mellowed out. The moonlight gourami seems to be hurting it's self. Its gill are pinkish red and irritated.
  18. F

    Cichlid Compatibiity

    Could I get another cichlid?
  19. F

    Cichlid Compatibiity

    I have a 30 gallon tank with 1 moonlight gourami 3 viscous Lyretail Swordtails (killed a snakeskin gourami) 1 Kribensis. I want to know if I can get a Bolivian ram and a male kribensis.
  20. F

    Clown Plecos And Other Plecos

    Iv'e never been able to get a good pic of my Clown Pleco, sorry. He's a male and has grown much darker brown with a dark golden stripes.
  21. F

    Are Clown Plecos Carnivorus?

    My Clown Pleco won't eat algae tablets even if his life depended on it. He loves brine and fairy shrimp and he hogs bloodworms. Also is he nocturnal? he chews on bogwood for 12 hours a day 4 hours he comes down and eats bloodworms and other meaty foods and for about 8 hours he cleans the side of...
  22. F

    Clown Plecos

    From my experience 2 clown plecos can clean algae from a 29 gallon in 2 days. ( adult speciemens)
  23. F

    Are Clown Plecos Carnivorus?

    My Clown Pleco won't eat algae tablets even if his life depended on it. He loves brine and fairy shrimp and he hogs bloodworms. Also is he nocturnal? he chews on bogwood for 12 hours a day 4 hours he comes down and eats bloodworms and other meaty foods and for about 8 hours he cleans the side of...
  24. F

    Fish Compatibility

    With tiger barbs have at least 6 in a group, I recommend larger gouramis with barbs in general such as the Snakeskin, Moonlight, 3 spot and kissing. I also recommend rams, apistos, geophagus, and other barbs not including the tinfoil. I used to have 3 Tinfoils and tiger barbs and well they...
  25. F

    Moonlight Gourami Suddenly Dead

    Moonlights can die if the water conditions are less than perfect (or close to it.) In my experience they like water no less that 79 degrees F with soft acidic water. They love food mine ate for 20 minutes straight and just worked it off in a couple of days. Having excellent filtration is a must...
  26. F

    What Could I Put In My 29 Gallon

    well they are a bit fussy they are more of rivals than anything. They nudge each other then swim away like tag, but nothing to physical. They have chased each other but it's like watching a Turtle chase a slug. But a bit faster. I know a bit becuase my mom and dad own a 5,000 gallon tank. By the...
  27. F

    What Could I Put In My 29 Gallon

    I cycled it with pure ammonia, then with beneficial bacterial supplements, live bacteria and "seeding", then with 2 cherry barbs to do a fish cycle, then a very late nitrite spike occurred so I removed the barbs until the nitrite naturally went away after one water change (which took 1 month)...
  28. F

    What Could I Put In My 29 Gallon

    By the way I dont know what difference it has but I have fake plants and 1 live hornwort plant. I also have 1 air stone and 1 huge air thingy thats kinda like a disk. I also have a big filter for my tank. It's a whisper 40, they love the huge current it makes. It also has bogwood. It also has a...
  29. F

    What Could I Put In My 29 Gallon

    I have a 29 gallon tank with some fish in it and I want to know what else I can put in there. I have: 1 Female Moonlight Gourami 1 Male Snakeskin Gourami 1 Male Albino Blood red High Fin Lyre tail Swordtail 2 Male Cherry Barbs 1 Unsexed Furcata Rainbow (soon to get more) 1 Unsexed Peppered Cory...