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  1. R

    New Tank Cycling Question

    Hey - thanks everyone for the replies :-) Tomorrow I will turn the spray bar up so it breaks the water surface, do a 20% water change and remove the all the sponge filter completely. Is it safe to remove ALL the sponge filter and not replace it with anything? ###### on the urchin :crazy...
  2. R

    New Tank Cycling Question

    Thanks Trod - he's doing it again tonight so not concerned now :rolleyes: This might sound like a real newbie question but the Orca tank I bought has a filter (black sponge) in the 4th chamber, should I be washing it out once a week? Seffie...! Urchin....? Should I expect problems...
  3. R

    New Tank Cycling Question

    Thanks Trod, Barney & Seffie ;-) Oh crap - whats wrong with the Urchin!???! Ok - will turn spray bar further up on next water change... I'm trying to get to weekly 15% water changes schedule. Current Stock: 3 Red Hermit Crabs 2 Turbo Snails 1 Fire Shrimp 1 Urchin 2 Clowns Whats...
  4. R

    Hitchiker Crab Id?

    ### - i think i've had one too many this eve ;-P I think I worked it out - going to give it a shot!
  5. R

    Hitchiker Crab Id?

    Thanks Issey - looks like i'm down the shops for bacon tomorrow - hope they have a deal on! :-) Oh the joys... I liked him at first but now... :angry: Ok - sorry but can you explain the process a little - cut the top of a bottle of coke off - put into tank upside down with small piece of bacon...
  6. R

    Hitchiker Crab Id?

    Hi all, I've picked up a crab as part of my liverock... all i can say is he's dark coloured black/brown with hairy legs and spotted him today in what seemed to be attacking my hermit crabs whilst they were attacking eachother! Thing is I'm not entirely confident about him but he's quick and it...
  7. crab.jpg


  8. R

    Hitchiker Crab...

    Hi all, I've picked up a crab as part of my liverock... all i can say is he's dark coloured black/brown with hairy legs and spotted him today in what seemed to be attacking my hermit crabs whilst they were attacking eachother! Thing is I'm not entirely confident about him but he's quick and it...
  9. R

    New Tank Cycling Question

    Thanks guys - I'm going to sit on the fish list for a while see how these guys settle in but I know I'm restricted to ONE more fish/creature - going to give my bank balance a break for the moment though :-) Does the fireshrimp ever come out from his cave during the day generally or is it only...
  10. R

    New Tank Cycling Question

    This is a two parter... I'm not really an impulse buyer but my local fish shop enjoyed my credit card the last 2 weekends! Added 2 clownfish (I know they're common ;-) an urchin and a fire shrimp (who won't come out for the cameras!) Starting to think this is limit for the tank? 12.8Gallons...
  11. Urchin.jpg


  12. ClownPair.jpg


  13. R

    New Tank Cycling Question

    Hi All, Thought I'd keep you posted on how its been going. Well, I waited long enough with the levels and ignored the algae :crazy: and went for it last weekend with the CUC. 2 turbo snails & 3 red hermit crabs. Got to say the turbo snails are worth their weight in gold! Before and After...
  14. AfterSnails.jpg


  15. BeforeSnails.jpg


  16. R

    New Tank Cycling Question

    Hey Seffie! :-) LR - It was probably out of the water for 1 hour tops... the shop is litterally 15mins away. Its now 12/13 days and the levels are as follows: pH: 8.2 NitrAte: 0 NitrIte: 0.05 Ammonia: 0.25 to 0 In terms of NitrAte spikes I was on: 25 on day 7... Unfortunately i didn't record...
  17. R

    New Tank Cycling Question

    Hi Seffie ;-) RedSea Marine Test Kit Todays readings: pH: 8.2 Ammonia: 0.25 NitrAte: 0 NitrIte: 0.05 Ammonia did get to 2.5, possibly 5 at one stage early on - maybe that was my spike? LR i bought from the shop - all i know is its Indonesian! :blush: Should I be concerned about the...
  18. R

    New Tank Cycling Question

    A bit of googling and I've identified 'hair algae' as well on the glass...
  19. R

    New Tank Cycling Question

    Ah... the insanity/madness variable :crazy: lol - I didn't factor that in! Latest levels: (Day 10) pH: 8.2 Ammonia: 0.15 (best guess - not yellow but not green) NitrItes: 0.05 NitrAtes: I've done this test 3 times now - every time it doesn't match up - it's like a bluey/purple - quite light...
  20. R

    New Tank Cycling Question

    Thanks v. much for info Westie & Barney I'll give the spray bar turn another go on the weekend and i've made a note of water level so i can see how much evaporation has occured over a set period. Also Westie when I've got a bit more time I'll digest your tips on the rear housing. In terms of...