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    Help - Ammonia And Don't Know Why

    Bump Should I be changing water more than once a day? I am not sure what is the best way to fix this. Thanks
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    Help - Ammonia And Don't Know Why

    My tank has only been up and running around two months now but I managed to speed the whole fishless cycle along with media taken from an established tank. Yes I did add ammonia to the tank until the day before to make sure the bacteria were kept happy. Checked for 0 ammonia before adding my...
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    Help - Ammonia And Don't Know Why

    Thanks for the replies. I added them in two batches, with a week in between. The levels of nitrite are 0, I haven't tested for nitrate but will do shortly. I have always added declorinator, more than necessary at times to be sure and always o my best with mixer tap to get temp right. Not sure...
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    Help - Ammonia And Don't Know Why

    I am getting ammonia all of a sudden at aroun 0.25 and not sure why. I am stocked after fishless cycle as follows: 1 male gourami 1 feaml gourami 8 rummy nose tetra 8 neon tetra 4 chery barb 1 bristlenose plec 95 litre tank, fluval U3 filter I have done two 15% water changes today, one of...
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    If this is a new tank and you have 10 fish then you need to be changing your water far more regularly according to the fish in cycle thread on the board. Your water is probably full of waste from the fish and that may be contributing to the smell?
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    Help Me Finish Stocking My Tank

    All 3 species look very nice. Are they all compatible with the fish I currently have? If I get a pair of any of the 3 mentioned above am I fully stocked? Thanks
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    Help Me Finish Stocking My Tank

    I finished cycling around a week and a half ago :) Those do look nice! How much more do you think I could add to my tank? I have a fluval U3 filter which is actually rated over for the size tank I have and live plants in there too...
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    Help Me Finish Stocking My Tank

    I have ammonia and nitrite at zero and they have been for over a week now with the following fish in the tank: 8 rummy nose tetra 4 cherry barb 1 bristle nose plec and I would like to know what other people would suggest I add to the 95 litre tank to finish it off? Thanks
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    How To Make A Diy Python

    Can you use standard garden hose for this without any problems? Thanks
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    Common Pond Snail Or Bladder/tadpole/pouch Snail

    I have looked at the thread here: and I definitely have one or the other but I can't tell which. Are either a problem? Thanks
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    New Tank, New Fluval U2 Fishless Cycle Log

    Thanks for the reply again Waterdrop. Nitrite still high again this evening so reloaded ammonia to 5ppm and will wait another 24 hours :)
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    A Little Advice With Cycling Please

    Just tested PH now and it matches closest to 7. Thanks for your help m8
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    A Little Advice With Cycling Please

    What should my PH be and what should I do if it does drop? Thanks :)
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    A Little Advice With Cycling Please

    I am at the stage now where my filter is processing 5ppm ammonia in under 24 hours and I am topping up daily but my nitrites are off the chart! Turns purple as soon as I add the 5 drops from my test kit. Am I on the right track or should I be doing anything differently? Thanks
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    Water Change, What Do You Add?

    Combi will be fine, no diff from running the cold tap except it's heated just before it leaves the tap. Leave it run for a few seconds to get rip of any water that has been sitting in the boiler and pipes and then use it.
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    Water Change, What Do You Add?

    You are ok to use hot water depending on the type of boiler you have. I would avoid it if you have an older style boiler with a tank in the attic as the water sits around for a while but a combi boiler is from the main cold supply heated as you use it so no problem adding that to get the temp...
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    New Tank, New Fluval U2 Fishless Cycle Log

    I just went back through the tutorial for fishless cycling and figured I needed to top the ammonia back up so I added 3 ppm and will monitor it daily now to see how quickly it drops. Just got to wait for the bacteria to develop for the nitrite now and I am away :)
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    New Tank, New Fluval U2 Fishless Cycle Log

    New reading taken today 26/05/09 A 0 ppm Ni 5 ppm Na 80+ ppm Can anyone advise me on what I should do next? Looks like the established media I have added has moved things along nicely :)
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    New Tank, New Fluval U2 Fishless Cycle Log

    20/05/09 - 5ppm + I added media donated to me from tom_os and that had ammonia in it along with hopefully lots of bacteria ready to spread to the sponges I already had in my filter. The ammonia has spiked right up due to the donated sponges being soaked in ammonia. Hopefully it will drop down...
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    New Tank, New Fluval U2 Fishless Cycle Log

    Is it possible for Ammonia to be too high? I added the media and now the test kits has gone darker green, alomst too dark for the chart?
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    New Tank, New Fluval U2 Fishless Cycle Log

    Thanks for the replies guys. My media has arrived and I will be adding it within the next hour so hopefully will be getting the ammonia readings dropping quite quickly within the next couple of days. I will keep posting the stats here as I go to see exactly how much difference adding...
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    Hello! I'm New! :)

    If your tank is completely new then your filter is not capable yet of supporting the fish and cleaning the waste they produce. Have a read there and pay attention to the fish less cycling and fish in cycling depending if you have any fish...
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    New Tank, New Fluval U2 Fishless Cycle Log

    So I have recently bought my first ever tropical fish tank and luckily for any fish I intended to buy I read the fishless cycling thread first. It took me a while to get hold of ammonia but I have been running a few days now so thought I would start to log everything here for anyone who is...
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    Fish Stand For Sale {bargain}

    I may be interested in collecting it. Whats your postcode? Cheers
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    Siphoning Water Back In

    May be worth looking into an Eheim Compact 600 or 1000 pump and pumping the water back in from the bucket? They are pretty cheap to buy and cheap to run. This would make things so much easier for you in the long run.
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    Anyone Donate Media - Neath / Swansea / Port Talbot?

    Thanks for the offer :) I will leave it for the rest of the day to see if anyone local replies and if not I will send you a PM to arrange. Hope that doesn't sound cheeky but it would be easier for me (and the bacteria) if I can get it locally. Cheers
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    Anyone Donate Media - Neath / Swansea / Port Talbot?

    I have sent a message to the guy in the sticky but have not had a reply as yet. Is there anyone here in the areas listed that would be willing to donate a small amount of media to help me establish bacteria in my tank? Thanks
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    Too Much Light?

    Thanks for the reply again Waterdrop, I get it now :)
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    Help Stock My 95l Tank Please

    Thanks, I can find info on the Bristlenose but not the other species. Also what other fish are these guys compatible with?
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    Too Much Light?

    Thanks for the replies :) So I can't just replace the tube with an upgraded one? If the existing 20w T8 tube goes though I can buy and replace that right? I am not familiar with how tubes work in or out of tanks. I thought, like a normal light bulb I could have just put a higher wattage bulb...
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    Help Stock My 95l Tank Please

    I would like advice on which fish would be suitable for my size tank and which go well together. I would like to have a Pleco type fish in there as I really like the look of the flat belly catfish style but I am not sure which types would be ok to put in my size tank. What have / would you guys...
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    Too Much Light?

    Hi, I recently bought an Elite 95 tank (95 litre) with 1 x 20w tube fitted. I would like to upgrade this to support planting in the aquarium and was thinking either 38w or 58w tube to replace it. Can anyone confirm if it is just a simple swap of the tube and if so what wattage you would suggest...
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    Real Skulls Safe For Fish Tank?

    Didn't you say in another thread you only have a 14 litre tank? How much room do you think you'll have left after adding the skull in for decoration? Not much I don't think. What are you planning on keeping in there?
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    Household Ammonia - Boots

    For those of you having difficulty finding ammonia to use in your fishless cycles here are a couple of links: The product Boots sell (for you to identify it when you go to pick it up): Household Ammonia Boots store locator: Link The store locator will provide you with a local rate number to...
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    Carbon Filter?

    I have just spoken to my lfs and he has offered a part exchange on the filter I have to allow me to upgrade to either a Fluval 3+ or a Fluval U2. What would you guys suggest is the better of the two in the long run? or is there something completely different I should be considering?
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    Carbon Filter?

    Community planted with a few live plants and pebbles for decoration and hiding places for the fish :)
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    Carbon Filter?

    Thanks for the replies :) Yes it is the Jet Flo 100. What filter would you suggest I replace this with if I go down that route?
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    Carbon Filter?

    The filter has two seperate parts. There is a black almost mesh type media at the bottom and then a plastic cartridge type box at the top. Which of these am I looking at replacing with better media? Or both? Thanks
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    Carbon Filter?

    The filter that came with my new Elite 95 tank includes a carbon sponge I think? Am I describing this right? Are there any complications when using this type of filter and if so what should I do to correct it? Thanks