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  1. W

    New With Loaches But...

    The loach I pictured above has returned to his normal color and seems to be getting better, however the other loach seems to have not made it past last night. The surviving loach is back to hiding out in his house during the day and tearing around the tank like a mad loach at night. Is it okay...
  2. W

    New With Loaches But...

    Nitrite is also zero, I had a friend give me a bottle of Pimafix and have been dosing with that the last couple of days after daily 25% water changes. The loaches have returned to hiding in their little cave most of the day and when they come out at night the one's colour seems to be returning...
  3. W

    New With Loaches But...

    I have liquid test kits for ammonia and nitrates (ammonia is at 0), I picked up the test strips mainly because they were a more convenient way to test parameters like pH and hardness that don't need to be tested as often.
  4. W

    New With Loaches But...

    I did about a 30% water change today and a 30% change two nights ago. (I really need bigger transfer buckets for a 25 gallon tank, I'm using sterilized old plastic cat food containers). I bought some test strips and I tested the water in the tank and compared it to the fresh water I was putting...
  5. W

    New With Loaches But...

    25 gallon tank, 5 zebra danios and the 2 loaches (I'm restarting after a frog I got developed a taste for fish and wiped out a lot of my danios) I don't know about flicking and rubbing, like I said they'd been hiding till recently as I just go them. They both tend to float around the bottom in...
  6. W

    New With Loaches But...

    I forgot to mention in case it isn't clear in the picture, it doesn't look like a "growth" on the loach so much as it looks like the skin is cracked and revealing a clear blue underneath.
  7. W

    New With Loaches But...

    It may just be me because I've never kept loaches before, and I can't find a lot of information on these specific guys. I bought two loaches a few days ago and they've been hiding in the decor till tonight (though they come out to eat at night I know because they ate a couple of peas that the...
  8. cracked_loach.JPG

