Search results

  1. L

    One color platy+another color platy=

    Unfortunately I don't have any pictures although I would like to. You might be able to find some on a search engine by just typing in "platies and pictures". The bluish color is kind of a very light iridescent almost white blue. I love platy babies- they are the cutest, sweetest little things...
  2. L

    One color platy+another color platy=

    I have baby platies that are mixed. Some are orange like the mother and some are bluish, but most are half and half. They are really pretty.
  3. L

    fry that can't swim?

    hey everyone, Two of my platy fry can't swim upward, only around the bottom of the breeder net. They are a month old now and seem healthy otherwise. Why is this and is there anything I can do to help them? Will they grow? I could never cull them- too tenderhearted. Any suggestions? :) thanks
  4. L

    A question about fry

    Hi everyone. I have a few questions maybe someone could help me with. One of my platies gave birth to 29 fry that I know of and I was lucky enough for most of them to be born in a breeding net. Only 3 have not made it and most of the others seem pretty healthy. They are now a few days shy of...
  5. L

    Platies and guppies

    I was wondering if anyone who has kept both platies and guppies could tell me which they prefer and why. I have more experience with platies but am thinking about keeping and breeding guppies. What are the advantages of both? Thanks