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  1. M

    Gold Barb Bullying

    Interestingly, I have removed the injured fish last night and this morning the aggressive female is biting at the same area of the other male and female. So i'm guessing introducing more gold barbs would be pointless as she would be aggressive to them too. I have added back the injured male...
  2. M

    Gold Barb Bullying

    These 4 fish were fine together, there is still no sign of ill health of the fish in question apart from the sore on his side. The female IS picking at the flesh on his side to nibble where it's sore, like fish do... thats what i meant by bullying What worries me is that getting more gold barbs...
  3. 9.jpg


  4. M

    Gold Barb Bullying

    I was thinking that, I will get two more tomorrow... I read that you should have at least 6 gold barbs housed together. Just seems odd that this has just started up, they have been more than happy for the last few months.
  5. M

    Gold Barb Bullying

    Hi, I have a 60L tank with 4 gold barbs and 8 glowlight tetra. One of my male gold barbs is being bullied and has taken to hiding in the corner under my filter, behind a plant. He has started to develop a sore on his side and seems very unhappy, hides constantly. I have two male gold barb...