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  1. T

    It Looks Like A Leech

    They are apple snails. The leeches have been crawling around on the glass some too. i don't know it they crawl like caterpillars. they also wriggle around and swim in the water when i see one i try to get it out but I'm not always successful. Thanks for all the advice. I really hope my snails...
  2. T

    It Looks Like A Leech

    I don't have a picture I've seen more in the aquarium though and i am freaked out. Leeches are so disgusting and they are invading my shrimp tank. I see them burrowing in the gravel. I just don't know what to do! I cant get all my shrimp out they are tiny and most of the time i can't even see...
  3. T

    It Looks Like A Leech

    hey also does anyone know how to get rid of any lingering leeches i have not found yet? I just read some leeches don't eat blood but eat small invertebrates whole. That means they could be eating my cherry shrimp and any offspring my snails might produce. I was excited because i thought i had...
  4. T

    It Looks Like A Leech

    It probably is a leech but it kinda creeps me out the i found it in my shrimp/ snail tank. I bought some new plants about a month or 2 ago and today i found what looks like a leech. It scares me cause there are probably more and they have been feeding on my poor pleco and snails.
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    Question About Fiddler Habitat

    basically all i know is they need brackish water and a place to get out of the water and places to climb and dig. i couldn't find any crabs locally so i ordered some online and i am a little disappointed because i am fairly certain they sent me red claw crabs instead of fiddlers. I'll probably...
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    Question About Fiddler Habitat

    nobody ever replied to my post but i guess i will put up posts of the finished product any way. This is a 10 gallon. I don't know how may crabs i should get if some one could help me out that would be great if not i'll just wing it again.
  7. T

    Oscar Feeding ?

    less is better. its better to under feed than over feed. They will grow no matter what. i cut the food i give mine down to half and they still won't stop growing or begging.
  8. T

    Can I Get My Oscar A Freind

    If you are even going to try to get him a friend now would be the time. leave him in his old tank. When you get the new fish release them into it at the same time. He is already territorial about his tank now he considers it his so if you put a new fish in with him he would probably tear it...
  9. T

    Question About Fiddler Habitat

    Okay. I am wanting to build a fiddler habitat. I've been looking at some pictures and plans online and i have a question. You see some have the sand piled up on one side and the brackish water on the other and some have a wall between formed of rocks and silicone or glass and silicone or...