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  1. R

    Interesting Photo

    not unusual.. those 2 fish are very similar looking(color, size and shapes) and will do battle... I got a shot of it in my tank too, it happened for a few days then they settled down and kept to themselves mostly on either side of the tank
  2. R

    Suggestions For 65 Gallon South American Tank Please

    angels rams 1x keyhole or festivum cichlid 3-5x cories or loaches/boatia (bottom dwellers) 1 synodontis cat
  3. R

    Brick In A Tank?

    I was at home depot and in the gardening/landscaping area and saw these decorative bricks of many colors, shapes and sizes. Anyways I am wondering if anyone has tried this in their tank? Building a small brick wall with spaces so fish can swim through like caves. I posted pics i took so you can...
  4. R

    Red Devil In A 125g Community Tank?

    Has anyone had any luck "long term" with a red devil in a cichlid community tank. I have a 125 6ft tank and I would like to add one but worried he may destroy them all. Currently there is a Oscar, nicaraguese, JD, firemouth and salvini, severum in there with a pleco and a synodontis catfish.
  5. R

    Keyholes Or Festivums?

    cool post a pic of your tank/fish
  6. R

    Severum Appreciation Society

    my turquoise severum.. still young 2-3 inches
  7. R

    Keyholes Or Festivums?

    I think you could go with either or maybe 1 of each.... Alternatively you could go with Rainbow cichlids who prefer a bit cooler water then those 2..
  8. R

    My Fish-pics

    good eyes..The light does not go all the way.. its 2- 48 inch light strips.. 4 different lights... playing around with some combos of various blue lights and full spectrum.. anyhow I also did a documentary on the tank you can watch enjoy
  9. R

    My Fish-pics

    Hi thanks...there was a sale at our local fish store at the time... 500$ Canadian ($400 US) for the tank($260) and stand($240). The tank was a nice deal.. the stand i could have built a lot cheaper if i had any woodworking skill at all :o and had some patience!
  10. R

    My Fish-pics

    Hello All, I am new to this forum and figured I would post some pics of my tank and fish. I have a 125G 6ft tank with a fairly young stock. I know some of you will say I am overstocked but whatever we shall see how it turns out. I do weekly sometimes twice weekly 25% water changes and have a...