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  1. S

    Spade Tail?

    Hi again, Thanks for all of your informative replies! It's great to have such a fantastic resource of information at your fingretips! Just a quick update...I am currently treating our new fish (the one in the photos) for white spot. I am treating with rapid white spot remedy and have raised...
  2. S

    Spade Tail?

    Here are some more photos to help with identifying tail type :good: and here are his full colors
  3. sc_1.jpg


  4. sc_2.jpg


  5. S

    Spade Tail?

    here's another one
  6. adobe_spade_tail_2.jpg


  7. S

    Spade Tail?

    OK...hope this photo comes was taken tonight with a flash...not the best quality but you should be able to tell what type his tail is. Thanks again :good:
  8. adobe_spade_tail_1.jpg


  9. S

    Spade Tail?

    Hi all, I'm new to this forum andhave a quick question. We have just recently got a new male (to replace our first male who passed away) and, as the pet store owner told me when he was getting new fish in, I got first pick (admittedly because I was practically stalking the pet shop until the...