Search results

  1. R

    Lethargic Orange Gourami

    Currently in the middle of an fish-in cycle, but keeping levels to under: Ammo 0.25 NitrIte 0.25 NitrAte 0.50
  2. R

    New Tank.....

    Is this really ok behaviour for leopard Danios? I have 2 and they are both bloated, or could this an indication of anything else? Nothing else in my well stocked tank is bloated, except occasionally the Dwarf Gourami's seem a little fatter across the girth. It hasn't slowed the Danio's down...
  3. R

    Forum Registration

    I know this is in the wrong place but can an administrator PLEASE activate my account? Been waiting for the email for days and no dice! Thanks, loving the forum BTW, very informative! :rolleyes:
  4. R

    Best Times To Feed - Community Tank

    Yes, I'm new to fishkeeping. Had an outbreak of whitespot recently, treated it, all now ok, but my tanks level are going through the roof. Suspect the beneficial bacteria was killed by the medication. Am trying to do a fish-in cycle. Was hoping all would survive ok. Current levels since...
  5. R

    Lethargic Orange Gourami

    One of my Orange Gourami's is sitting on the gravel just bobbing around. Doesn't seem interested in anything. All other fish ok and swimming freely. Any ideas?
  6. R

    Best Times To Feed - Community Tank

    I have a 125L community tank with: 3x Neon blue dwarf gouramis 2x Orange gouramis 2x 6" Common plecs 2x 5" Bala sharks 11x Black neon tetras 3x Blue neon tetras 1x 5" Clown loach 1x 7" Blue Modesta loach 2x Great danios 1x Lemon danio 2x Leopard danios I genarally feed once a day when I get...
  7. R

    Water Quality Problems, Help!

    OK, tonights water results are: Ammo 0.25 Nitrite 0.25 Nitrate 0.50 Should I do another large water change or just add StressZyme to break down the Ammo & Nitrite?
  8. R

    Large Water Changes On A 55uk Gallon Tank

    Where can I buy a Python Drain & Fill in the UK?
  9. R

    Water Quality Problems, Help!

    Thanks OldMan for the rapid response. I will remove the Ammo remover and Nitrate absorber. In the Fluval 405 I have 3x BioMax, 2x PreFilter, 1x Carbon, 1x Fine Foam I am hoping it will seed soon as I have a 350L custom built tank coming in 2-3 weeks and want to swap all my gear straight over...
  10. R

    Water Quality Problems, Help!

    I am relatively new to the hobby, but loving it. I have a 125L tank which seemed to be going ok but I had a few losses, the ammonia, nitrite, nitrate kept bobbing up and down, despite a 25% water change every 2 days. Then the tank got a dose of Whitespot, another couple of deaths. Also, the...