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  1. G

    Please Help

  2. G

    Please Help

    I have a 14 inch pleco in there with him also do you guys think that might have something to do with this?
  3. G

    Please Help

    Hey the tank has been set up for over a year...and the levels were nitrate,nitrite,ph about 6.5 to 7.0 carbonate hardness and general hardness
  4. G

    Please Help

    Hey guys I just got a new 3 inch male flowerhorn yesterday and was very pleased with him he was active and responsive today when I woke up he doesn't want to leave this little rock setup I have and he is much less active and his fins move a bit too fast just to stay in one area...It just doesn't...
  5. G

    New Flower Horn

    A 55 gal.... :( About to cycle a 75 or 80 gal... still looking for one
  6. G

    Pics Of My New Hybrid Flower Horn

    I think she has alot of trimac cichlid in her....thanks by the way....
  7. G

    New Flower Horn

    Thanks alot bud!!! Appreciate it!
  8. G

    New Flower Horn

    Hey guys this is my new 5 inch juvenile Flower Horn....It was pretty cheap, I was wondering what you guys and gals think???? Is it nice looking, is it male or female anyone know???And do you think it will blossom more color or not really??? oh....and of course my baby...14 inch pleco...
  9. G

    Pics Of My New Hybrid Flower Horn

    Hey guys and gals here is a pic of my new flower horn...i Would like some opinions i got it for 30 bucks....Is it nice for the price??? Is it male or female??? Anyone know?
  10. G

    Tank Big Enough

    will the pleco be ok when the flowerhorn matures???? Cause if not I will sell the FH I love that pleco!!
  11. G

    Tank Big Enough

    yea common pleco
  12. G

    Tank Big Enough

    it's a 75 gal trust me and yes they are I raised the pleco from a baby and he stopped growing after 14 inches he has plenty of room to turn around....I thought those were the dimensions but i'm not at home right now I'm in the hanger I will give spec when I get home
  13. G

    Tank Big Enough

    its 48x15x18
  14. G

    Tank Big Enough

    Is a 75 gallon tank big enough for a 5 inch flowerhorn and a 14 inch pleco?
  15. G

    Food Question

    Please Help......What is a good diet for a flowerhorn???? I want to keep his colors nice and bright and try to enhance them if I can....what's a good variety of live food to feed him??? i will not feed him feeder gold fish.....thats a disease waiting to happen right...
  16. G

    Flowerhorn Question

    Right On thanks Shroop
  17. G

    Flowerhorn Question

    Has anyone heard of a flowerhorn not being aggresive....Mine is but not that bad I just put him in the 75gal 2 days ago....will he become more aggresive as time goes on?
  18. G

    What Do You Guys Think?

    I have a juvenile 5 inch Flowerhorn and a mature 14 inch Pleco in a 75 gal tank....what do you guys think???? Will they be alright?
  19. G

    Flowerhorn And Pleco

    lol then that must of been the craziest posting you have ever seen
  20. G

    Flowerhorn And Pleco

    I have a juvenile 5 inch flowerhorn with a mature 14 inch pleco in a 75 gal tank......what do you guys think???? will they do ok?
  21. G

    Do These Look Alright

    thos discus look alright....cant really tell you what kind they are but they look healthy....make sure to put your hand above the tank to mimic that your feeding them and get the ones most responsive......also from experience I had a pleco "algae eater" then bought some dicus the next morning...
  22. G

    11 Inch Oscar Needs A Good Home

    hey is it possible to ship the fish to florida????
  23. G

    11 Inch Oscar Needs A Good Home

    yeah he did but i treated him......the craters stopped spreading but the will always be there
  24. G

    Quick Question About Hole In The Head Disease

    so you dont think I should put the oscar in another tank the hole in the head was a bit severe so I dont want to infect the other fish??? The growth of the crators stopped though
  25. G

    Quick Question About Hole In The Head Disease

    Yeah, I do a water change every two weeks now ever since the poor oscar got it... I just intorduced and new fish and am scared it might get hith but i killed the hith on the oscar the spread complety stoped but the craters are still there check out the photo tell me what you think...
  26. G

    Quick Question About Hole In The Head Disease

    Hey I was just wondering if hole in the head disease is and external parasite that will affect other cichlids or is it some thing one fish gets the other should not if the parasite has been killed?
  27. G

    Question On Flowerhorn

    Hey guys, I just bought a 5 inch flowerhorn 24 hours ago... And I am really tempted to do a waterchange today...I was wondering do you guys think it's too early to do a water change???? He looks likes he's settled just fine....what do you guys think???
  28. G

    11 Inch Oscar Needs A Good Home

    alrighty thanks!!!!! I appreciate it!
  29. G

    2 Oscars And A Firemouth

    125 gallon tank!!!???? And 3 fish 1 of wich wont get all that big!!! you will be fine trust me!!! thats plenty of tank space....they will all be can put some decor on both sides of the tank so if the oscars end up not getting along the will each pick a certain decor that will be...
  30. G

    Nelly's Tiger Oscar Community Tank

    <a href="" target="_blank"></a> here are some photos of the 11inch tiger oscar. I live is Los Angeles so......
  31. G

    11 Inch Oscar Needs A Good Home

    <a href="" target="_blank"></a> couple more photos
  32. G

    11 Inch Oscar Needs A Good Home][ here is a photo
  33. G

    11 Inch Oscar Needs A Good Home

    Can you guys help me with posting photos.....When I click add image it ask's for a url......?????my pic's are not on the internet there on my computer....What do I do????
  34. G

    Nelly's Tiger Oscar Community Tank

    hey great fish and nice tank!!!! I have an 11 inch tiger oscar that needs a good home if your interested???? Free because i must get rid of my tank (moving) :( Any ways I have been wanting to post pictures of this fish but when I click on add image it ask's me for a url....My photos are not on a...
  35. G

    Nelly's Tiger Oscar Community Tank

    Nice fish!!!!! I have a 11inch tiger oscar thats needs a good home if your interested! Guys I need help posting pictures when i click on add image it ask's me for a url????? my pictures of my fish are not on the internet there on my computer....please help I would love to show people what he/she...
  36. G

    11 Inch Oscar Needs A Good Home

    Hey Guys and Girls, I have a very hardy thick 11 inch oscar that needs a new home I have had him since he was about 5 or 6 inches and am depressed that I must get rid of my tank, long story short he is a I believe Red Tiger oscar or might just be a Tiger Oscar. He has had hole in the head...
  37. G

    Join The Oscar Club, Its Just For Fun

    alrighty thanks for all the help guys!!!!!
  38. G

    Join The Oscar Club, Its Just For Fun

    Hey guys and girls, I have a 11 inch tiger oscar with a 14 inch pleco in a 75gal tank. I really would love to get another tankmate......I recently added a 5 inch green terror and he lived up to his name and terrorized my tank. He totally disrupted the flow of my tank and made the oscar stay in a...