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  1. CrItIcaL

    Help! Something Wrong With My Angel!

    hey i hope someone can help me... my 1 angel fish has gone crazy... it sits dead still in the tank just floating normally doing what angel fish normally do and all of a sudden jerks to the corner of the tank in a plant and sometimes digs into the gravel... until its stuck in the plant or in a...
  2. CrItIcaL

    Angel Fish...

    that may be so.... i did some digging so i spoke to my local pet shop owner... so the lady pulls out this probably 40 year old book... it said that you can determine the sex by looking at the fish straight from the front... the males tend to be concave and the females convex female...
  3. CrItIcaL

    Angel Fish...

    i think i might be able to help you as i also have a desire to breed angels the guy at my local pet shop has been into fish for years and he said that you can tell them apart by looking at their top fin... the males have a sharp one and the females look much more rounded... is there any expert...
  4. CrItIcaL

    Who's the boss in your tanks?

    easy... RAINBOW SHARK and its only 5cm... a problem fish... no really he/she tormented the other fish soooo bad that they stated swimming into solid objects... :blink: so i had to get him/her his/her own tank... and now peace prevails... :good: any problem fish i have i just throw in his...
  5. CrItIcaL

    Bala Shark Funny Behaviour?

    if you think thats strange... i bought a bala about a month ago (about 5 cm long now) and placed him in my acclimatising tank with an angel fish. the day after.. i see the bala swimming above the filter (the tank has an internal filter b.t.w.), then swims forward into the current covering...
  6. CrItIcaL

    A Dwarf Gourami Mini F A Q

    hey I like all the pics of the dwarf gouramis. my dwarf is the pic on the left, about 4cm... just wanted to show off lol :P
  7. CrItIcaL

    New Tank

    wow thanx for all the advice... i would never have thought of cloning a filter :P and i never even thought of the amonia stuff o and by the way i no longer have a pregnant sword tail, found 2 little sword fry swimming in tank this morning :D so i imediatly placed the 2 in a breeding trap...
  8. CrItIcaL

    New Tank

    i have started a second tank for water top up, changes, medical, breeding and spawning tank. it has been running for some time now ( about a month with all the filter, heater and stuff in it). basically what i want to know is that if i had to drop a fish in it due to an emergency of some sort...
  9. CrItIcaL

    Help - Fish Suddenly Die

    thanx but when i added the other fish why didnt they die but the guppies kept dieing?
  10. CrItIcaL

    Help - Fish Suddenly Die

    hey everyone im new to the site so plz have patience with my noobisim and the few days im online lol unknown and unexplained mass guppy death... about November last year some very nice guy said i could have his guppys, was a 45L (10gal) with +- 35 happy 2-3cm fishies males + females. he has...