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  1. M

    When The Lights Go Out

    We've been having a lot of electrical storms w/power outages. I have two airstones and an air wand which I hook up with pumps run on batteries. That takes care of the oxygen but am worried about the filters. How long can they go w/o moving? I changed the water this morning - 25% as power off...
  2. M

    Dwarf Blue Is Blue?

    Have had this gorgeous dwarf neon blue for 2 days. He is the sole fish in this tank. He continues to hide. Would he prefer a female friend or could he be happy with another male? I am getting several long finned white clouds next week. Also - I read that this gourami is incompatible with...
  3. M

    Perfect Tank, Bad Faucet Water

    Me too - I have priced the units at Drs Smith and Foster and Pet Solutions. I have also told everyone at work they are drinking poison! I am going to report this to the state water commission Monday.
  4. M

    Perfect Tank, Bad Faucet Water

    Last week I noticed the tap water tested positive for nitrites(3-6ppm) and nitrates. I called the water company who said there were no nitrites in the water. what liars. I used both the dipsticks and the liquid kit to verifiy this reading. Tank water on the other hand is wonderful - very...
  5. M

    Cory Enemies/friends

    Am planning on getting a 40 gallon soons and want some cories. wondering who is compatible with them. Would rainbows, turquoise or bosemani eat the little corys? I would like to get the tiny ones but am concerned about vacuuming them up which leads me to the next question - would they exist...
  6. M

    Tank Mates

    I have 5 Cardinal tetras which tend to stay near the bottom and was wondering if some guppies would be compatible? Am going to hold off for a while as tank not completely cycled in spite of "Prime" and other bottled goddies
  7. M

    Im Trying To Bring My Babies Home :(

    Please let those of us who have every appendage crossed for you and your fish know if we can relax now
  8. M

    Tank Vacuuming

    continue to have a high ammonia level in spite of a 50% water change a week ago and a 10% water change last night. Am also adding ammo-loc . Do I need to add this several times a week?