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  1. G

    Do Bacteria Bottles Work?

    I founnd that the Tetra one worked well for me,i did get the Nutrafin free with my aquarium (that was rubbish),but the Tetra it safestart?,that certainly helped speed up the process.Don't knock it unless you have tryed it!
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    Help! My Aquarium Is Cloudy And I Have New Fish In It!

    I didn't want to have an argument or anything,the main thing is that you get your problem sorted (which is why posted it on the forum).I just commented what i would do if it were me,i wasn't saying you weren't capable of speaking out or anything ( i wasn't attacking you or your nature),its just...
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    Help! My Aquarium Is Cloudy And I Have New Fish In It!

    Well if thats how you feel minnnt,you must have footmarks all over you !
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    Help! My Aquarium Is Cloudy And I Have New Fish In It!

    What is That!................'Don't feel bad about advice from lfs .they are in the buisness of selling fish and equipment,and will embelish the truth to get a sale'.What!!! so you just let them get away with it so they can do the same to someone else?..........for god's sake ,you can't let...
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    Help! My Aquarium Is Cloudy And I Have New Fish In It!

    Hi Greena, you should be ok now form the advice everyone has given you.I would certainly change the lfs though,and further more if it was me i would make a complaint for being given such poor advice.How do nitwits like that get jobs at shops like that,its a discrace.Hope it gets sorted anyway.Greg
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    Ro Water Mineral Replacement

    HI Rorie, i use the Tropic marin -re mineral.I have used it for 3 yrs now ,i think it is excellent.
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    Loving It

    Yeah i agree,its so much better to sit down and watch my fish rather than tv (or the idiot box!),even if i do watch something on tv....i find myself watching the fish instead!.Good on you Miller.............looks like your going about things the right way.Nice one.
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    Plants Online ?

    Thanks will check them out
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    Plants Online ?

    Hi everyone ,just want to know a really good site to buy aquatic plants from,i want good quality plants.Any recomendations?
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    I Have sand too.You just have to skim over the surface,i did it the other day,I did suck a little of the sand up,but mostly sucked up the poop.
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    Hi ,i have a small royal pleco,and i have been thinking the same.I have just brought a battery gravel vac to use in between water changes,and it seem to work quite well,it sucks up most of the poop.Greg
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    Rescue Mission

    i think thats the way to go Sarah,once he/she gets used to somewhere new to hide,and some veg or treat,will probablly forget all about getting in the filter.I have a small royal pleco,and when i first put courgete in the tank i could of taken the courgete out of the tank with him still attached...
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    Rescue Mission

    Hi Sarah,i understand what your saying,perhaps if you put some courgete in the opposite corner to the filter,he might get preocupied with the courgete,and might not try to get in filter,then try catch him somehow?
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    Gold Nugget Pleco Help?

    Hi James ,i think you need to find out which gold nugget you have (there are three different kinds)sorry i can't remeber the L numbers,one of them grows to about 8 inches,the other two get bigger .I had one til recently,he/she grew about 2 inches in three years.hope thats helps.Greg
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    Common Pleco's Should They Be So Readily Available?

    yeah bloody right .............i was saying the same thing earlier to me mum,makes me sick.