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  1. S

    New Tank Problems

    define "ammonia levels weren't too bad" is it cycled?
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    Rena 440L New Tank

    what plant is that on the left? it looks like java fern but its not?
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    Rena 440L New Tank

    this looks like its gonna be good. im gonna be tuning in ;D
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    Tank Mates For Clown Knife Fish

    ive actually managed to keep a clown knife and 6 corydoras and a full grown angel in the same tank. the clown knife never harmed any of the fish (if anything the angel attacked the clown at feeding time). but unforunately they all died due to an illness i couldnt figure out in time. :[ I guess...
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    Just Got My First Bristlenose Pleco

    regarding a common question about the colour of these bn plecos. u know how sometimes they're brown with spots and sometimes they're a very light colour. Mine is usually half half with patches of light skin. i've read this is because they are trying to blend into the environment but is this...
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    I Found These Rocks On My Farm!

    Yeah I've done the vinegar test already. It was so confusing because I did it when the rocks were on the ground and I heard fizzing. Turns out it was fizzing from the ground and not the rocks haha. and I'm pretty sure you shouldnt boil it according to the 'rock for aquariums' thread because it...
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    Lots Of Little Questions

    I have 2 tanks. 1st tank is a 33G and has 4 black skirt tetras, 1 angel, 3 cories and 1 bn. it is a tall tank and has no cover. this tank currently has 3 filters (i know), basically im harvesting my algae for my 2nd tank im about to set up (55G) in the 55G im planning to put clown loaches +...
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    I Found These Rocks On My Farm!

    hmm hardy fish but it will still harm them wont it? it looks like sltate though. and i found these on the empty piece of land infront of my farm that hasnt ever been used to grow anything.
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    I Found These Rocks On My Farm!

    I found these rocks just today on my farm but I'm not too sure if it will be safe for my aquarium. I think it might be sandstone and reading the 'rocks for aquarium use' topic, I assume it will be safe to be put into the aquarium. What cleaning protocols should be used? So far I have cleaned it...
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    Lots Of Little Questions

    Pretty much straight forward! 1. can you harvest bacteria? as in put another filter in an existing cycled tank (so 2 filters in 1 tank), so that you get some bacteria and put it in the new tank so it cycles much faster? 2. can you overdose liquid co2? 3. I want to get rid of snails in my old...
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    Emperors New Buddy! (Clown Knife)

    I had 2 clown knives in a single tank. I kept them for several months but something came down a few weeks ago and they both died. hope your clown knife will be enjoyable and they are pretty hardy. good luck!
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    Yellow/brown Holes On Leaves?

    so the nutrients spheres i was talking about are called JBL PROFLORA 7 Kugeln. Lol i think its in another language but theres english also " -Root nutrients for aquatic plants - revitalizes depleted substrate - specially produced clay balls, loaded with nutrients - gives the ground new storage...
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    Yellow/brown Holes On Leaves?

    my apologies, they actually arent holes, they're just spots and i've fixed that now. and im pretty sure this is an aquatic plant, i read about it somewhere on aquahobby but now i cant find it. it has the word 'rose' or 'rosae' or something in it at the lfs. cant remember. the tank is a 33G and...
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    Yellow/brown Holes On Leaves?

    I'm can't remember what the name of the plant was called but leaves are constantly coming up. I've placed some kind of nutrients sphere under it thats brown and it supposedly supplies the substrate with new health for the plant. When I got my plant at the store the leaves were nice and green...
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    Going On Holiday End Of The Year

    Hmm, what if i added like 4 corys and a guppy or two in the 33G with some plants, will that be okay ? the corys would be straight from the lfs, same with the guppies
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    Going On Holiday End Of The Year

    Ive already booked for a 3 week holiday at the end of the year. I'm planning to set up my 33G community tank very soon but my dad said whos gonna feed it and change the water? So basically what im asking is: How long can fish last without a water change? If i get an autofeeder, can i just feed...
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    Cone Shell Snail?

    okay now im really scared lol are those assassin snails hard to find and are they expensive ?
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    Cone Shell Snail?

    Hmm, I think I might remove them after doing some research, do they lay eggs above water or in water? If its in water, im so screwed as i cant find them lol
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    Cone Shell Snail?

    I actually dont mind, btw i just found another one, and do they eat algae? if so gogogog, i have so much premature algae swinging on my glass atm.
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    Cone Shell Snail?

    I found a little critter in my tank today! I recently got some new java fern and he could have possibly come from that? The size is about 1cm long, and ive seen him crawling on plants. I noticed he also has antennas or something as well, any idea what he is and if hes harmful ?
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    My Rio 240 Diary

    pic of tank + fishies please ;D
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    Cloudy Tank Then Dead Angel

    150L tank tanks been set up for about 1.5months, cycled etc. has 1 common pleco, 3 adult angels ive fixed the cloudy water problem but my 2 veiltail angels arent eating now, food flies pass their eyes and they dont even move to eat it.. what should i do
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    Tank Of The Month

    By the way admin, I've had alot of experience with Invision Power Boards and the length of the banner doesnt really matter (unless its really long), it'll fine whatever the length and it'll look naturally and normal. however if you alter the height, it may turn ugly. more to come i guess...
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    Cloudy Tank Then Dead Angel

    pH 7.0 Ammonia 0.0ppm Nitrite 0.25 ppm Nitrate 5.0 ppm Just did another 50% water change any ideas anyone ?
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    Cloudy Tank Then Dead Angel

    Got home from school and noticed that the tank water was REALLY cloudy. Did an instant 25% water change. It looked a little bit better, a few hours later it was back to the same cloudy water again. The next day I woke up and found my out my pregnant angelfish died. Greattttttttt. Will get...
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    eye. adelaide woo wojroawasdasda :D
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    Angelfish With Red Fin Beginnings?

    I used paint to draw what the angelfish looks like. Both angelfish are showing this, they're showing like a red meat-like colour at the beginning of their fins like in the picture this normal? im already treating it with broad spectrum to makesure its not fungus or finrot.. i first...
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    My 100g Cichlid Community :)

    im so jealous, you cant find a piece of wood like that around here, its so hard to find.. btw ur background puts it off in my opinion, MORE REAL PLANTS PUH-LEASE ;D
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    20l Tank, Thinking Of Getting A Dwarf Puffer

    wow this is exciting! i want to get a dwarf puffer for my 10G now :hyper:
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    Tiny White Worms?

    I didnt notice them before, My Clown Knifefish is on its 4th day of treatment for Whitespot, since on the 4th day the bottle says to change water and add more treatment. after i added the treatment i noticed that there were these WHITE WORMS IN THE WATER!?!? i didnt notice these before when i...
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    Photos Of Some Of My Fish Taken Today

    omg can we please get a pic in the dark and lights on ;D looks great, i wanna see the entire thing :rolleyes:
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    125 Setup

    haha hope ur not offended or anything, just wanted to make sure :rolleyes:
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    125 Setup

    lovely parrots but you said you just set it up ? tanks need to go through cycling otherwise there will be fatalities
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    Few Tank Pics

    btw, in the last pic thats java moss, not fern haha but nice tank :P
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    Aaron's 216l Planted Journal!

    looks fantastic! cant wait till everything begins to grow out the wood on the left is a nice one btw haha
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    How Many Skirt Tetras

    I'd say that would do. but 1 more maximum, you shouldnt need an algae cleaning either since they are a relatively tidy fish
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    Bristlenose Weird Colour?

    god i thought they were reacting to the water properties, thanks alot guys
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    Natures Call: Alex's First Planted Tank

    Wow seriously? the easylife easycarbo? I wonder if australia has some. sounds very handy, CO2 is so priceyy
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    Bristlenose Weird Colour?

    I noticed that my 2 bristle noses go to a very light colour sometimes. I just did some redecorating and they seem to be very light in colour. The tail is a tiny bit transparent..they appear to be acting normal and stuff. they go darker to their normal colour again after a while, but even if i...