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  1. R

    Pet Distribution Amongst Members

    one dog , a sheepdog and three cats but hoping to have a lizard soon, any suggestions?
  2. R

    Fresh water VS Salt water Tanks

    all that is true but there is also the point that sw is so unforgiving i.e. temp,ph ,salinity and quite a few other factors.sw fish are very intolerant of poor conditions or any that very from the norm because the ocean where they come from never really changes.
  3. R

    waiting to get started

    Hi, new to this board, i am supposed to be moving house in the next month or so. At the moment i have a tank but no fish, just thought it would be easier to wait untill i move before setting up. Anyway i`m new to the hobbyand can`t wait to get my hands wet, i`ve done most of my research but...