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  1. S

    New Fish Advice

    No doubt in my mind that I would add either rainbowfish or cherry barbs- probably the latter; you'd b surprised how much colour and life a group of cherry barbs can add to your aquarium! Failng that, perhaps a group of something like platies??
  2. S

    Dead Guppys!

    Hi there! Well at a guess I'd say it's probably due to the water quality. Have you tested the ammonia/nitrites/nitrates rcently? (forgive me I don't know how much you know about the nitrogen cycle but if any of this sounds unfamiliar we can explain it to you fully) Your tank is very heavily...
  3. S

    Where Are My Fish Going!

    Yes they could have been eaten in that time- have you checked the remaining fish for disease?
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    Suggestions For A 10-gallon Tank?

    How about half a dozen harlequin rasboras?
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    New 64l Tank...a Few Problems

    Yes I agree with all of the above, cycling a tank is vital if you want to keep fish in it. Please don't add more fish yet. You are effectively in the process of dong a fish-in cycle which is one way of doing it (most aquarists on this site would perform a fishless cycle but this way is arguably...
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    What Makes A Filter Good?

    thank you for the reply.
  7. S

    What Makes A Filter Good?

    Hi gang! I know next to nothing about filters so I thought I'd ask the experts. I have about 3 years' experience of tropical fish-keeping and have only had two different kinds of filter in that time so I don't have much to compare with. I currently have a 45 gallon tank with a Fluval 205...
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    Is Fish Keeping Cruel?

    Potentially not, since components of the gene pool are concentrated in smaller groups than is necessary for true genetic variation, plus most exporters concentrate on producing fry to sell rather than the long term effects on their stock, hence their stock depletes and must be replaced. To give...
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    Do I Feed My Fish Enough?

    Yeah that's fine, they don't need much food at all especially if they have some plants to munch on or veggies every now and then.
  10. S

    What Would You Do?

    Good question! Probably barbs for me (tiger or cherry), maybe a red tail black shark as well! Loads of plants! Have fun! :good:
  11. S

    More Danios?

    The Goldfish will grow a lot more and they need a lot of space (many people keep them in unfiltered bowls, often 2 or 3 at a time which is unnacceptable). That aside, the danios aren't racist, their colour won't affect them. If not for the gold fish I'd say put more in.
  12. S

    Cherry Or Ghost?

    I've been asking myself the same question! I think I'm going to go for the cherries just to add some colour to the bottom of the tank. I prefer the look of the cherries but I've heard that Ghosts are slightly easier to keep.
  13. S

    Community Tank

    So perhaps Dwarf Gourami? Research has told me that having a pair of Gourami is pretty standard practice, but what mix of m/f would they be? I imagine two females would be best, what about one of each? This doesn't seem overcrowded to you (I don't know how much waste the shrimp produce...
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    1st Proper Tank

    Hi Wordy, good to see someone from good old Rotherham! Nice looking tank! In my experience having the lights on for that long will result in an outbreak of algae fairly quickly (even with lots of plants). I have mine on a timer coming on for about 9 or 10 hours a day. It's a shame about the...
  15. S

    Community Tank

    Hi all! I'm in the middle of setting up a slightly bigger community tank and was just wondering if I could bounce some ideas off some people who knew what they were talking about rather than the dozy 15 year olds at my LFS! It's a 45 gallon (UK-I'm not sure of what that would be in US, 50...