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  1. S


    Bit short of money at the moment. Having to buy all the tesco value foods and stuff, just cut off sky and what know the deal... Is it me or doe declorinator seem a bit steep for what it local fish shop wanted like £8 for a 100ml bottle of safestart which they recommened over...
  2. S

    Help With Plants

    Thanks, yeah. I did add that info but some how it was erased. Also to note that Red plant turned green. Maybe from lack of light but maybe it had too much light. As a biologist plants turn them self red in times of too much light. But hey im a newbie to this so you're probably right! Tank is 60...
  3. S


    Yes, have been told melafix is only for after treatment. Know that won't work. Okay well i will give him 1 more week. Then if there is no more improvement thats the end.
  4. S

    Help With Plants

    Hey all, i had some real plants in my tank. Well 1 died the one is pic 3 , due to rotting. But one other one was clinging on and slowly getting eaten by the fish. It wasn't putting any new growth out to i decided to take the stalks out, but they had no roots so i lobbed them out. I really liked...
  5. S


    Just thought i'd mention i noticed that the underside of the affected neon is really red, this is near the gills. So it could just be the blood flow. Im really tempted to just dispatch this fella, the complete lower side of the fin is gone now. Nothing to indicate why he is stressed. He hangs...
  6. S


    Oh, i didn't think anyone replied. Well its been a few weeks. The stats are fine PH - 7.7 Ammonia NH3 - 0.25 mg per litre although now back down to 0 after water change. Nitrite NO2 - < O.3 mg per litre lowest possible reading Ntrate NO3 - 25 mg per litre, done a water change now its down...
  7. S

    Diy Co2 And Advice

    Okay the Diffusers came..then i read that i can't have my airstone on and that i should minimise surface agetation... My tank isnt heavily planted (2 small plants atm gonna have some more soon) i will lower the water which is put back from the top from the filter to very low. But im a bit...
  8. S


    Well in regards to this i have had no luck. I tried the Myxazin at the correct dosage for the 5 day stated period. Left it for a week then done a water change. The affected neon was not cured. So i figured maybe my water quality is maybe a tad bad (though all the tests showed it was fine) so i...
  9. S

    Diy Co2 And Advice

    Right, im doing the DIY CO2 yeast and sugar method with my tank. And on all the places i look on the recipe it says 2 cups of sugar. What in gods name is 2 cups? Also some site say use 2 bottles one with yeast and one with dissolved sugar, other say 1 bottle with all the stuff in it? Which is...
  10. S


    Haha, ordered it off ebay? Mine is coming from hong kong! I wouldn't be surprized if its smashed.. Anwway i was wondering is it important that i have a check valve? I know when the reaction with the yeast is finished, will create negative pressure in the bottle, but that will only suck water...
  11. S


    Roger that, i saw your planted tank, amazing :).
  12. S

    Some More Fish

    Hmm, ok. From your advice it seems like i might have gone a little crazy fish buying :crazy: . But really i have just gone with advice from books and the fish shop owner. The fish shop did say they would take any large fish you have no room for. This becuase they have some massive tanks with...
  13. S

    Some More Fish

    Okay well, it is decided that i definatly want and need a pleco for my tank. So im getting one of them after a recent finrot infection is taken care of. My tank is 60L And I have 5 Neon tetra (the origianl starter fish all survived ^^, only had this tank for 4 months.) 3 Harlequin rasbora 3...
  14. S

    My Big Oops!

    Well, my inherited tank has a chip right on the bottom corner, the structural silicon seleant is now exposed but because its so thick, and the hole is so tiny that it will hold indefinatly.
  15. S


    I always thought drift wood was a tad expensive for what it is. Normally its a bit of wood which has been sitting at the bottom of a freshwater lake,they pull it out, dry it then they sand blast it and expect £15 for it! If you find a small lake you can probably get you own, then dry it in an...
  16. S


    So you would recommend that type? Whats the white thing in the top? A flat airstone disc? Is that the same, but why more glass tubing? If that is an airstone can't i just use one of those? but maybe the bubbles won't be in contact with the water long enough. Also did you recommend me 2...
  17. S


    Hey all, theres alot of advise about differsuers such as ladder ones and such but i cant seem to find many pictures. What diffusers do you recommend for a 60L tank with yeast and can you provide a link to a picture so i knwo which one to get. Thanks!
  18. S


    Its a 2 foot 60 litre tank. Erm its a Community tank 2 Silver Sharks (used to be 3), 3 Harlequian rasbora, 3 Emerald eye rasbora, 5 neon tetra, 3 glowlight tetra, 3 Cherry barbs. And soon to be a Pleco one this problem is sorted! The water stats were all good from the Tetra Test kits i used...
  19. S


    Hey all, my neon tetra has finrot. It has had it for a prolonged amount of time now so im getting very worried. As soon as it got it i bought some Melafix (1% melaluca) and treated the fish for the 5 day requirement. There was no change, so i continued the treatment as it stated on the bottle...
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    New To This.

    Thank you, anyone else got any info on my problem?
  21. S

    New To This.

    Hello everyone! I was lurking :ninja: on this forum a month back when i was preparing to get some fish. Because i had this tank out in my shed i got from someone and it need to be used. I did look at all of the relevant topics, cycling, maintaince ect. I have had relatives and freinds which...