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  1. L

    Pulsing Xenia Keeps Twisting Its Stem!

    sure...sorry they're not the best..jus took em on my phone!! u can see in this one how tight the twist is!
  2. L

    Pulsing Xenia Keeps Twisting Its Stem!

    ye bit worried about my xenia, have been house sitting for a mate for a few days and came back today to find that my xenia has twisted round in circles and has got its stem in a big twist!!! ive carefully un-wound, but it went straight back again! its never done it before and the water...
  3. L

    Orca Tl-450 Anybody?

    i had to check that myself!!!! lol but no it most def was the actual crab! :sad: he was doin really well in there too. but now ive had one i dont think id get another one as it didn't seem to do much to be honest!! theres no substitute to turbo snails...just cant beat em!!! :fun:
  4. L

    Orca Tl-450 Anybody?

    ah right sounds interestin, will have a look into them corals, thanks! well since i said about catchin the green thing...ive not seen it!! lol sods law! had a bit of a bad week this week, 1st a turbo snail kept falling off the rock, so i had to keep turning it over, 4 times this happened, on...
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    Orca Tl-450 Anybody?

    ye sods law its in the biggest piece! :angry: hmm ive seen it in 3 diff places, and wonderin around on one occasion, it was diggin into the rock so im persuming it was finding a new home...however all the holes are in the same area so mayb that traps the only possible chance im guna have of...
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    Marine Aquaruim After 20 Years...

    ye agreed, same here, i thought that as a beginner im not guna rush into it, jus take my time n do it properly! have come accross a few probs on the way, but nothing that hasn't been resolved with the help of the pple on here :good: n im def not regrettin goin marine, though it might be too...
  7. L

    Orca Tl-450 Anybody?

    god, its literally guna b impossible to get it out, it hardley ever comes out as it is! and wen it does its only for a second as it runs to the next hole! :crazy:
  8. L

    Orca Tl-450 Anybody?

    well everything is finally running at planned with no problems now! with response to the green 'mantis' looking thing, i had the pleasure of seein it come out of a hole....and grab hold of a small crab (about 7mm in size) then forced it into its hole, folding it completely in half as the...
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    Marine Aquaruim After 20 Years...

    nice!!! i bought my orca 450 at christmas, absolutely lovin it! yet to put fish in it as had a few dofficulties along the way! so i only have my cuc! lol could be worth checking my thread about it in this same section, lots of advice on the 450, and problem solving! :rolleyes:
  10. L

    Orca Tl-450 Anybody?

    mm that what he said, that quite a few pple run tanks without one. is this an ok thing to do in my orca?? the only other option i was told was to put a clean foam pad in the skimmer compartment which will catch most of the bubbles. but cant see that being a permanent thing really!
  11. L

    Orca Tl-450 Anybody?

    ok so this weekend i popped down a local fs and asked about my skimmer..suggestion was...dont use it! lol the guy had a few set up and showed me his, none of them had the skimmer running. instead he just removed the filter foam and filled it with crushed lr and said it does all the work the...
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    Orca Tl-450 Anybody?

    ok cheers!
  13. L

    Orca Tl-450 Anybody?

    thanks for the suggestion. checked out the images of the nudibranch on google...its def not that! ah its really buggin me now! lol found another wierd thing the other day, a large crab burried into the lr, it has a huge body with huge pinchers..yet the smallest legs ever! lol im tryin to get a...
  14. L

    Orca Tl-450 Anybody?

    he looks quite big in that pic id have to agree, but he's actually only about 35mm all together, and no he has the tinyest lil pinchers!! lol as to the green thing, i still have no idea! have researched the mantis and its 100% def not one! besides being green and similar in shape...its totally diff!
  15. L

    Orca Tl-450 Anybody?

    a few latest pics!: anyone know what this is?? its just started growing on the side of my lr! also...anyone know what this is??? its about 25mm long and looks like a catterpillar! have been trying to get a pic of it for a month! but its sooooo fast!!! it seems to burrow and dig a lot into...
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    Orca Tl-450 Anybody?

    quick post!.... did as suggested and bought some 2 part epoxy, filled the slits lovely, although the bubbles from the skimmer still remain, somehow i need to stop them from getting into the far left pump compartment as this is where they're comin from, and r being blown into the tank through...
  17. L

    Cuc - Hair Algae

    lol, i actually posted some pics up of my hair algae last week coz my tank started filling with the stuff! at the weekend i added a hermit crab, sally lightfoot crab and 3 turbo snails.....its totally gone now, the turbo snails r awsome n eat all of it! id highly reccomend them :good:
  18. L

    Orca Tl-450 Anybody?

    ah well good, will have to sorce some of that out then! no i have no fish at the mo, just lr with a hermit crab which came from the rock so will plug the holes, do a water change then teat the water and get my cuc :)
  19. L

    Orca Tl-450 Anybody?

    mm the tubing def helps the bubbles to directly pass straight upto the collection cup, but like i said theres still bubbles coming from the heater slit thigys! .....can any1 suggest a way of blocking these? obv i already have my tank running so that aqua silicone stuff cant be used i dont...
  20. L

    Orca Tl-450 Anybody?

    to be honest with u im totally new to salt water and have no idea what they are! but my nitrate is reading 15, so has come down from 20 in the last few days or so, obv will be doing a water change shortly so hopefully this will reduce the nitrate level even more hopefully to 5 or less.
  21. L

    Orca Tl-450 Anybody?

    ye the skimmer compartment was exactly the same, and i had bubbles squeezin out of the sides of the cup and into the tank. dont actually have the skimmer on at the mo coz i have no fish yet, but wen i switched it on last night it worked a treat, im gettin loadsa bubbles comin out of the heater...
  22. L

    Orca Tl-450 Anybody?

    ye sure........ thought would add a quick pic of this i put together quickly today at work, hides all cabels etc behind it and has a cupboard on the right ^_^ message for 'westiemarble'....fitted the maxi jet 1000 pump tonight...didnt make much of a diff to the water level at the rear...
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    Orca Tl-450 Anybody?

    hi folks, tank is looking lovely now with some lovely purple and blue colours apearng on the live rock! my new pump arived today so will be fitting that tonight! algae is growing nicely too, i have a quick question....i have some kind of algae growing out of my live sand, it looks like grass...
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    Orca Tl-450 Anybody?

    maxi jet 1000 pump on order, will let u know asap if it solves the problem!
  25. L

    Orca Tl-450 Anybody?

    cheek! :grr: well im guna pop down to the fs at the weekend and pick up another pump, think will try that first and if it works i will let u know and what pump i get! :good:
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    Orca Tl-450 Anybody?

    lol, i didn't no, figured that the problem is the speed of the water bein passed through by the pump, so if i made the holes more water would go through em but at the same speed as that hasn't changed! so it wouldn't make a diff anyway ! think best bet really is to do the same as...
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    Orca Tl-450 Anybody?

    cool. before i do that i wana get a new pump fitted, have been lookin at the maxi jet ones as most pple seem to have them, is there a diff between the maxi jet pump, and the maxi jet powerhead? im guessing that the ph just blows right and the pump sucks in the water and blows it out?? if this...
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    Orca Tl-450 Anybody?

    well after fiddling about with the foam in the far right compartment, i was going to remove half of it hoping it may reduce the water didint! but on the good side....all the bubbles which were floating around my tank have gone! wondering if there was just lots of air in the foam or...
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    Journey From The Darkside (bit Of A Journal Type Thing)

    gorgeous looking tank, have recently set my orca up and am hoping to have it looking as nice as yours one day! lol quick my tank im having problems with the rear 3 compartments on the left filling up with water and overflowing. removed the spray bar but it lowers too much so...
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    Orca Tl-450 Anybody?

    ye i started with a lower water level, but the level in the compartments stays the same! lol will give the bigger holes a whirl n if it makes no diff will just have to order a maxi jet 900! hopefully that will do the trick and give it a faster flow!:)
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    Orca Tl-450 Anybody?

    ok have just fitted my nano powerhead and water flow is flowing so much better around the tank now! :-)) question!!.... with regards to the common problem of the back 3 compartments from the left hand side 'overflowing' back into the there any reason why i couldnt increase the size...
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    Orca Tl-450 Anybody?

    ah cool... my koraille (if thats how you spell it!) nano powerhead being delivered tomorrow so will wait till thats fitted i think so theres a better flow in the tank! good timing! ha ha :good:
  33. L

    Orca Tl-450 Anybody?

    ah ok thanks pple! ah right was just going by the hydrometer so thought that was ok, will make this right then. is it ok to just add extra salt into the tank? or best to do a water change and add extra??
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    Orca Tl-450 Anybody?

    ok have just checked the water, and its exactly the same as it was before i added the LR on sat. ammonia is 0 nitrite is 0 nitrate still reads 20, although will test it again in a few days just to make sure! (had this prob b4 didnt i but water was fine when tested at the fs!) the ph level has...
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    Orca Tl-450 Anybody?

    ah right i see. ye im guna go and check the water now!
  36. L

    Orca Tl-450 Anybody?

    i could watch the lr for hours! lol its amazing just how many things are living in there! am seeing all sorts of creatures/crabs etc popping out of the holes! ah ok ye that sounds like what i was planning on doin so thats good, will keep an eye on the water then for a couple of weeks and then...
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    Orca Tl-450 Anybody?

    ah all sounds good then! LR was out of the water from the fs to my more than 30 mins. was that ok? figured the quicker the better! :unsure:
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    Orca Tl-450 Anybody?

    ok i purchased just over 5kg of live rock yesterday n placed it in my tank. (it was cured and came out of an already set up and matured tank) looks lovely with nice colouring and some lovely looking small pieces of coral in places. and even managed to pick up a hermit crab which was hiding in...
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    Orca Tl-450 Anybody?

    ok have just got back from the fs! i told him the situation and took a sample of both my ro water and tank water, he tested both of them for me, and both seem fine! weva or not its true i dont know, not sure how these testin kits work, but he reckons that maybe its been sitting for a while...
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    Orca Tl-450 Anybody?

    lol easy mistake to make!! haha no it was fresh out the packet from the fish shop. well what ill do then is take both samples of water to the fish shop and get them to test it for me, and if it is def the water and not the kit then will jus have to start a fresh! making sure to test the water...