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  1. albinobristlenose

    Im Changing From Gravel To Sand

    Seeing you thread, I would like to ask if anyone has had experience of using BLACK sand? and what they thought of it Particularly the Carib Sea sand, the blurb goes something like this..... Eco-Complete™ Planted Aquarium Substrate 20IBS The complete planted aquarium substrate! Mineralogically...
  2. albinobristlenose

    If This Dont Work I Resign

    I like the fish, but being fairly new to this what does CT stand for.
  3. albinobristlenose

    Aqua One - Aquis 1200 - Right Order?

    Hi, I am a new member to the forum and joined to look for information on the Aqua one in hood filter system, which some of you seem to have. My water is slightly cloudy, what could be very small bubbles, or white particles throughout the water. I am trying to improve the hood filtration system...