Search results

  1. H

    Great White

    Cetopsis coecutiens! thats the one Thanks B.D.S and everyone else
  2. H

    Great White

    well I googled both the iridescent shark and also the bala, and they both are a miss. The one I saw had a flattend snout similar to a bull shark, it was a greyish colour , its fins werent thick and you could see through them from what I can remember. I am a novice so my ability to describe it...
  3. H

    Crocodile Fish

    Alligator Gar maybe? google that theres lots of info on them
  4. H

    Great White

    Hey, I was was looking for some info on a fish I saw at a LFS. The owner said it was a great white. Its about 4 inches long in a fresh water tank and looks just like a mini great white. I thought great white's babies come out quite large so i'm not quite sure what to think about this. He feed...