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    Fish auction in SLC Utah

    If you live near SLC Utah you don't want ot miss this :cool:
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    killifish/ r these community killi's

    True killie guys will prob. tell you no way. I hope you mean to put them in the 55( not with the cichlids). The two you are getting will probably go in there okay, but they may hide some. Remember that norhto's are annual killies so they will only live about a year. Aplocheilus lineatus is a...
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    Neons vs Cardinal

    Well you seem to be getting a lot of good advice. Again don't mess with ph( for more experianced aquarists). I find cardinals more attractive( have a school of 30 in my discus tank). Remember that small fish don't usually live as long as big fish so you may loose a few as the months go by(...
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    I like fish

    Thanks for the welcome :D I live about half an hour north of Salt Lake. Fortunately for me I have a seperate water system for my yard needs so my water bill has not gone up. Water changes do take a little while, but I do a section at a time;also, I am filling tanks at the same time I am...
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    Fish auction in SLC Utah

    Sat March 13 at noon at 2100 s. 1601 e. ( garden center at sugarhouse park). If you live in Utah you don't want to miss this. The GSLAS is non-profit and there are always lots of great deals. You can buy or sell.
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    I Want to get a Discus

    Discus usually don't do well with two in a tank unless they want to breed. One discus mixed with dwarf cichlids ( i hope you are talking apistogramma or somtheing else thats not very agressive) would do great in that tank. I have kept discus for 18 years in many different tanks. Some people say...
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    I like fish

    I live in Utah and have nearly 70 tanks. mostly africans, but I also have: angels, discus( been keeping them for 18 years), killies( only the past year), a few other odd fish I love.