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  1. C

    Catfish Acting Strange

    the catfish seem to be looking better now, the one that was floating and having probs swimming seems to be slowly getting better and seems to be able to keep his balance and the other cat fish seems to be resting more and not flying about so much. maybe it was just the big change in water...
  2. C

    Catfish Acting Strange

    the nitrate level has incressed from 5 to 10 since set up, all other levels seem'd ok. using api ammonia test strips and esha aqua test strips
  3. C

    Catfish Acting Strange

    used interpet no1 and filter aid and filter start when setting up, filter media was new.
  4. C

    Catfish Acting Strange

    the temp was at 26oC, but iv now lowered that to 23oC to try to incress oxygen, at the moment its at 24oC and dropping slowly, the 1st catfish that was actting strange seems to have got a bit better, but the other one is still spending most his time at or near the top. i use a filter that i had...
  5. C

    Catfish Acting Strange

    I have a small tank, 32lts, 14x13x14in. set up on 19th oct 08 (8 days ago) tested the water sunday morning and all was fine (ammonia 0, ph6.5, kh 3, gh 6, n02 0, n03 10). so went and got 2 corydoras catfish and 4 neon tetra's Today, one of the catfish has spent most the day not moving much...