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    Underground Filters

    try reading these two threads
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    Attention Everyone!...

    Congratulations Missigfunk! Hope they'll turn out ok =)
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    Divided 10gal, Inspired By Heygetsmart

    sorry again =X
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    Males Don't Blow Bubbles

    My betta Ninja imediately built a huge nest right when I put him into my divided 10gal, while the other 3 bettas barely worked on theirs. From experience, Im going to say it depends on the fish regardless of same conditions.
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    Divided 10gal, Inspired By Heygetsmart

    Thanks peeps, and I'm really sorry to hear about your bettas smarty =X What exactly happened may I ask?
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    Divided 10gal, Inspired By Heygetsmart

    Sky is the new addition to the tank. His caudal fin was like that ever since I got him like I said. The pet store where I got him had a lot of bettas with messed up fins, chances are they're from rotting. Hmm, is there anything I can do for his caudal fin?
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    Divided 10gal, Inspired By Heygetsmart

    My set up of 2 dividers went pretty well, so I decided to make another unit since theres plenty of space. Everything fits perfectly, the dividers I used were for 15/20gal, but a pair of scissor fixed it without problem. And I also lowered the current by placing a sponge from my previous sponge...
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    First Female Betta! :d

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    Post A Picture Of Your Betta Tank!

    Well I thought they would get along. And Im not joking when I said Ares killed my oscar. Fins were nipped and scales pealing off, next thing you know the oscar died! ._. edit: love that tank millym~
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    Post A Picture Of Your Betta Tank!

    I wouldnt worry about a fish getting bored. Is not like you can buy them a PS3 and Rock Band. Bubble nest is a good sign, keep what you're doing. Regarding companions, I dont suggest it. My Betta killed my oscar, and even attacked some corys that I put in this tank. Maybe they're bad tank mates...
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    Yeah! Look At Me Now!

    Call him Bobo. Thats the name of the owner's dog at the LFS I visited earlier today. Bought a fricking half moon for $25 ._.
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    Post A Picture Of Your Betta Tank!

    Its a Lee's AQ2 10gal tank divider. Got it from a LFS for 14.99 ; ;
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    Post A Picture Of Your Betta Tank!

    Heres my divided 10gal, housing Ares and his girlfriend Astraea
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    Breeding Robin

    Good luck with your Betta breeding! On a side note... Robin looks like my Ares when he grows up!
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    Thanks Champ =) At the moment Im doing 2 days Pallets, 1 day bloodworms, repeat, then no feeding on 7th day. Lemme get some more inputs on this =)
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    My First Breeding Pair Arrived Today

    Kiana's tail looks like a heart!
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    Bought Some Bettas To Feel Better

    Sorry about the failed spawn =X but you're way ahead of me atleast lol. You did good! And cyclops looks like a finger hahahahah. Weird Betta but hes definitely unique!
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    A Good Dose Of The Holiday Spirit

    Call him Turkey or Santa lol.
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    I Got Him!

    Great looking crown Amber :D Look at mines if you havent yet >.o;#entry2192014
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    Meet Ares ~

    Wow :shout: , the fins grew a lot judging from the picture of when you first got him and 2 months later. Looking at mines now, he looks like a baby :lol: The last pic of yours is what I meant when I said I dislike crowns. It looks like a torn up dress to me =X. Oh well, time will tell~
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    What Are These Little Creatures Under My Live Plants?

    Grrr I dont care what they are anymore. I poked the plants with a chopstick and more crap came falling down. The bottom of my tank is bare like I said so they're really visible. I'll just remove the plant for the time being ._.
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    Hello New Betta

    I love his fin pattern =) More pics!
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    $50 Dollars To Blow For Christmas!

    Turning your basement into a fish room takes lots of money and a load of work. Plus you don't have water sources in your basement so it'll be more inconvenient... So lets scratch that idea off lol. If I were you, I'd get a 10+ tank and add things to it when I have money. Think about it, if...
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    Meet Ares ~

    Appreciate the comments people :) Sigh, if only they'll stay young forever! I hope he'll stay sexy even when his fins grow longer hehe.
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    What Are These Little Creatures Under My Live Plants?

    They're definately not worms, Im leaning towards daphnias because they're roundish and white.
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    Dang that sounds hectic! It must of been a pain in the ass to clean up ._. Perhaps your dog ate the missing oto? My friend's dog ate his Betta before because it jumped out of his bowl.
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    Meet Ares ~

    Wassup people! Thought it'll be nice to share my Betta with you guys :hyper: Hes the second Betta I got, and I bought him back in March at a LPS. I normally dislike crowns, but this one caught my eye because he have shorter fins and doesn't branch out unevenly like the rest. I tried to find...
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    I Went Over Board...

    I love those black/whites! Good luck on your spawn!!!
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    What Are These Little Creatures Under My Live Plants?

    Its hard to describe them since they're so tiny lol. But whatever they are, they're dirtying up my tank x_x. You can see lots of dust looking things right under my floating live plants, but the other area is spot clean. Perhaps they died somehow. What should I do about it? I cant stand the...
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    What Are These Little Creatures Under My Live Plants?

    serious? they hop around and moving in circles like maniacs. i didnt know snails could do that.
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    What Are These Little Creatures Under My Live Plants?

    So I noticed theres some little creatures on the bottom of my bare tank shortly after I put in my live plants. I was wondering what they are, and will they cause any problem to my breeding tank >_> They're kinda interesting though, kinda like fleas but under water lol.
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    Help Me Decide!

    Ive had my eyes on the 2nd one for a while hehe. And nice fish you won from the bid~.
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    Get an air valve. I just got mines today and its blowing about 3-4 little bubbles a second, it doesnt disturb the water at all and theres no bubble build up. It looks something like this.
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    It's So Tempting!

    A LPS of mine keeps some Bettas in the ####tiest housings. That store was horrible... I saw like 3-4 dead fishes, lots of fin rots, some of the water was so cloudy I couldnt even see the poor fish. Plus I saw a Betta in a housing that's only about 5 times its size. If you see a Betta you wanna...