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  1. S

    Moving Cory

    I currently have 3 peppered corys in my 30 gallon but one of them is not growing nearly as fast as the other two. He is still the same size as when I got him, and he seems like he has a slight deformaty in his body shape. He seems to be eating ok and swimming well and happily. What I am...
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    Feeding Ottoa

    Hi, I am a newbie but here is my experience so far. It would depend on what else is in your tank. I have 2 tanks set up in one they are the only bottom feeders/algae eaters (2 of them) and I feed them about 1/4 to 1/2 a wafer. In my other tank I have 2 ottos as well as 3 corys and...
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    Hi, I am only a newbie but yes you can have a betta in a heated and filtered tank. He will love you for it. I have mine in a 10 gallon tank with 2 cherry barbs and 2 ottos. Some recommend keeping only the betta as it depends on his personality whether he will tolerate other fish and you have...
  4. S

    Fin Rot Or Fin Loss?

    10 Gallon Tank Filtered/Heated - 1 m betta, 2 cherry barbs, 4 ottos Ammonia - 0 Nitrite - 0 Nitrate - 3 Temp 77 - PH 7.6 7.8, water changes 2 gallons weekly Unfortunately I only have melafix on hand and can't afford to buy more meds at the moment. In your opinion does this look like more of a...
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    These Are My Bettas

    these are my Bettas 1- Indie in a community tank with danios, platies, and corys 2 - Waldo - alone for now, planning to get some ottos and maybe cherry barbs
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    My Community With Betta

    He's a mellow betta, you should see him when I drop an algae wafer, all fish are going for it at the same time including him!
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    10 gallon community tank with a betta

    I have a similar decision to make with my 10 gallon. I have heard that pictus catfish can be fin nippers and attack the betta. I have heard that cherry barbs are good and so would be the ottos. It depends on whether or not the betta is mellow. In my 30 gallon I have 1 male betta, danios...
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    My Community With Betta

    Here are some pics of my community tank 3 gold twin bar platies 3 zebra danios 4 Peppered? Cory's 1 Male Betta
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  13. S

    Not Sure What's Wrong Or Just Bad Luck

    The Aqueon's filter is like a plastic frame with charcol packed between what looks like white sheet of polyester fiber fill and I replace the whole thing because there is nothing to unpack/remove from it. When I do rinse it is in either old tank water or Brita filter water which states that it...
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    Not Sure What's Wrong Or Just Bad Luck

    Firstly, sorry for the long post but I am trying to give as much info as possible. I have a 30 gallon running now since August Current inhabitants: 3 zebra danio 3 twin bar gold platties 1 male betta (very mellow) 4 cory (peppered?) Live plants Water tests (API master kit) Amm 0 Nitrite...