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  1. Q

    Plants Dying

    I left it in the pot to see how it gone on first. Are you saying keeping it in the pot killed it in 3 days? :hyper: Also if you read the thread you'll see I had the light on for 2 days to see if it made a difference.
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    Plants Dying

    And here we are after 3 days! I've picked up a wide leaf fern instead that I'm told the fish won't eat and will fair better in low light.
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    Plants Dying

    Too little light, too much light - you guys are hard to please :) I think I'll just try different plants, I don't think the lack of light is killing them this quick but it's probably not helping. I'll try get something the fish won't eat.
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    Plants Dying

    ok here we are, 48 hours later, almost completely stripped! There's no way this could be due to lack of light could it? I've had it on for 2 days straight!
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    Plants Dying

    I've got the plants from 2 different (reliable) stores. Assuming it's the fish eating them - does this mean I'm not feeding them enough? I have some blind cave tetras that are giving them particular attention...
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    Plants Dying

    Ok check out some of these pics. This is a plant I added yesterday! All the top leaves are missing already!
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    Plants Dying

    ok thanks, this won't have any ill effects on the fish will it?
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    Plants Dying

    Hello, I've owned a 70L tank for about 2 years now. Fish are happy and healthy. The plants on the other hand aren't! Every month or so I end up taking out what's left of them as they all eventually die off. The leaves don't seem to go brown, they just disappear and within a few weeks all i...
  9. Q

    Help! Lots Of Dead Fish After Water Change :(

    Nitrite down to 0.1/0.2 after a few water changes. Fish actually seem happier. Will I actually notice the nitrite levels go down over 24 hours due to the filter doings its job without doing water changes or does it take days/weeks?
  10. Q

    Help! Lots Of Dead Fish After Water Change :(

    No the only thing I use is that stress coat. It says that its designed to de-chlorinate also. i guess its possible my water supplier has added chlorine. Is there a way to test for this? Also, is it possible that the nitrite might not be a spike? I haven't tested it in a while - it might have...
  11. Q

    Help! Lots Of Dead Fish After Water Change :(

    Also, in a strange combination of events we just discovered we a have a baby fish in the tank! The first we've seen in 2 years of having the tank. What is the best way to keep it safe? I've put it in a glass for now. Should i keep it separated in the tank somehow?
  12. Q

    Help! Lots Of Dead Fish After Water Change :(

    No i didn't wash any of the sponges, in tap water or otherwise. Yes, it was just the carbon sponges. The tank is 75L. I also always add 2 drops of stress coat after a water change. Been doing it for a couple of years now and have seen no issues, so don't think that is related. Really? So I...
  13. Q

    Help! Lots Of Dead Fish After Water Change :(

    Thanks for the replies. Ok i've just changed the water again 1/2 tank and NO2 is a bit lower but not ideal. So I should keep changing it then? I also changed tested the water straight from the tap and both NO2 and NO3 are pretty much 0. I didn't change all the filters, just the black one. I...
  14. Q

    Help! Lots Of Dead Fish After Water Change :(

    I have a very (well up to now) healthy tank. 3 Red Eye tetras 6 Rummy noses 4 Blind Cave Fish 4 Zebras Over the last 2 years its very rare to have a fish die. Yesterday i changed the water as normal (done every 3 weeks) and changed the black Juwel filter sponges. They were about 3 months old...
  15. Q

    Fish Dying - High Ph?

    Ok so I've tested this water again. This time comparing against the tap water. Ammonia: Tank and Tap water EXACTLY the same and having looked closer in better light the reading is 0.0. Its basically clear. Nitrit: Both 0 Nitrat: 2 (i had been reading the salt water chart the last time) Ph...
  16. Q

    Fish Dying - High Ph?

    Is everyone on this forum from Leeds? Yeah, to be honest, the ammonia COULD be zero but its very hard to tell when comparing with the colour on the booklet. I don't think the colour in the testtube actually changed after I added the drops. I'll test everything again and compare it to what is...
  17. Q

    Fish Dying - High Ph?

    So we lost another Molly last night :( BUT, I bought a test kit. And everything seems good! Here's the results: ph: 7.5 nitrat: 8mg/l nitrit: 0 mg/L Ammonia 0.2 I used a kit with reagents. It wasn't too cheap so I'm hoping its decent...
  18. Q

    Fish Dying - High Ph?

    A lot of fish keepers in Leeds aren't there? :) I'm Irish and support Leeds united, we gotta get promoted this year! Yeah, we were told about the Angel being territorial but so far we've only seen agressiveness from the mollys but we're keeping an eye out. Good suggestion on the plants.
  19. Q

    Fish Dying - High Ph?

    great reply, thanks Miss Wiggle. I'm going to pick up a water testing kit tomorrow and update soon!
  20. Q

    Fish Dying - High Ph?

    Ok thanks for all the replies guys. It seems tank cycling is what's needed here. One thing I'm confused on is has my tank not cycled by now? Would enough bacteria have not grown to deal with what is in the tank? I can understand fish would die when the ammount of ammonia exceeds what the...
  21. Q

    Fish Dying - High Ph?

    Hi, thanks for the welcome :) Only had it up and running for a half a day. I was given an additive to allow us to add the fish without waiting for the tank to cycle. I can't remember the name of it, I'll check when i get home. I know nothing about these. Will my LFS test them? So far they...
  22. Q

    Fish Dying - High Ph?

    Hi all. I recently bought a 70 litre tank and some fish: 6 neons 6 rummy noses 1 angel 2 mollys I also bought some supplement that allowed me to fill the tank and add fish the same day without waiting for the filters to bed in. All seemed well for a week or two and then I bought a few more...