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    Need Help To Identify My New Geophagus

    Today I was at a lfs they had this in a tank that said it was an angel fish I thought it was a surinamesis so I picked it up for $14 , they said they knew it was not an angel fish but was some kind of cichlid. lol.
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    White Cloudy Water

    unfortunatley 4 of the fish are cray fish and they were not getting enough to eat as my goldies would take the sinking pellets right out of thier mouths. I just gave away 2 of my oranda's and am giving away 6 lepoard danios tonight, I will then be left with 15 white clouds 4 fancies under 3...
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    White Cloudy Water

    one of the filters was cycled with media from my ac 30 the new ac 110 on the left was not it was added yesterday when I moved some fish into the 25 gallon along with the ac30 filter .
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    White Cloudy Water

    Ok so 6 weeks ago I bought a bare 75 gallon tank, filled it with sand and tranfered my fish from the 25 gallon tank along with the Hob filter from the 25 gallon along with a new AC 110. After a about 3 weeks, I figured my new filter had built up enough BB so I added 4 2" gold fish acouple of...
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    Fish That Can Live In An Unheated Tank ?

    I am sorry what do you mean by that ? and that should read lmfao ;)
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    Aquaclear 110 Or Emperor 400?

    This has be discussed before on numerous web sites and from what I have seen the AC 110 comes out ahead about 2 to 1, I have only ever used the AC filters I have a 30 and a 110, I would consider having one along side my 110 as an extra filter. The penguins seam to be about 20% cheaper around...
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    Fish That Can Live In An Unheated Tank ?

    UP DATE : op here, :) I now have 6 fancy gold fish in a 75 gallon tank, 1 ryukin, 1red capped oranda, 2 blue oranda's, 2 very cute lion heads, 6 white clouds, and 6 lepoard danios. the lepoard danios will be moving out and i will be adding a few more white clouds to a school of about 15, and...
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    Color Temperature ?

    I just picked up a 48" t8 shop light and have 2 6500k lights in it, I am wondering if I should add 1 more 48" shop light and put in a couple of full spectrum bulbs or a full spectrum and a warmer 3500 or less bulb ? This is for an unplanted tank.
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    My Goldie

    Gold fish dont grow that fast, eventualy you will need a bigger tank but for now you should be fine, with any forum I think you are going to find multiple opinions, do your research and make up your mind, I have 6 fancy Gold fish in a 75 gallon and there is plenty of room in there for them they...
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    My 75 Gallon Cold Water Community Tank

    Thanks I have a 25 gallon but it currently has danio fry in it, the danios will be heading back there once the fry are a bit bigger, I was going to add about 20 white clouds. I did have live plants but the gold fish anhilated them, I plan to add some more but need to deal with my lighting first...
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    My 75 Gallon Cold Water Community Tank

    I thought I would Share this and see what others think ? 6 fancy gold fish ;1 3" red cap oranda, 1 3" ryukin, 2 1 " lion heads, 2" blue oranda's (look abit like pom poms), 6 white clouds, 6 lepoard danios, 1 confused little cardinal tetra (there were 6 but the bigger golfish thought they were a...
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    Should I Get A 55g Or 75g Tank?

    Get a 90 I have had my 75 for a week and am allready planning my 90 corner flow .
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    Concerning Moving All My Fish.

    I just did a similar change. I went from a 25 gallon to a 75 gallon, as was explained to me there are very little bacteria in the water, so why not just use new water, I did use 5 gallons from my 25 and took the A.C. 30 off and have it running along side my A.C. 110. that way in two or 3 weeks...
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    Cloudy Water

    well 24 hours of filtration has done wonders for the tank, I will try the filter floss thanks.
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    Cloudy Water

    I went with 100 lbs of 35-60 silica as a substrate in my 75 gallon tank as it was super cheap ($10), I rinsed it what I thought was quite well. Now my water is quite cloudy. I did an immediate 90% water change, and can see the fishies again, but there is still some cloudieness . I am wondering...
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    Setting Up My 75 Gallon

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    Setting Up My 75 Gallon

    thanks for the reply, I have my stand built and the tank filled the 110 is circulating water and I am waiting for the temp to come up to 20 degrees C, when that happens every body is in the new tank. I really like the water movement of the 110 I think I will pick up a second one using one as a...
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    Setting Up My 75 Gallon

    Well cost is a bit of an issue but not the main one i was trying just as a point to set this up as cheaply as possible , so far I am at $160 i have been offered a used fluval 305 for $70 maybe I pick that up and use both filters together. Its looking more and more like I am going to end up with...
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    Setting Up My 75 Gallon

    Ok so i bought a bare 75 gallon tank off craigs list and picked up brand new aqua clear 110 today. I am going to transfer all my fish from my 25 gallon and use my aqua clear 30 from that to help establish this tank. I figured if I did 2 or 3 water changes over the next few days using the water...
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    Aqua Clear 110 Vs Penguin 350

    I am buying a bare tank probably a 75 gallon, eventualy I will build my own wet dry sump filter, but for now I would like to know if the a.c. is worth the extra 60$ ?
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    Should I ?

    The lfs has a demo tank that has a new filter, it is about 1 year old and would include everything a brand new tank has including a brand new unused fliter. this is a beutiful tank and i can pick it up for $500 is this a deal or not ? the new ones are listed at about $1100 here in vancouver...
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    Fish That Can Live In An Unheated Tank ?

    I have a 25 gallon with 2 gold fish a few lepoard danios and a few white clouds, I want to upgrade it to a 55 gallon soon, and add some more white clouds to about 20, was hoping i could add a cray fish as long as it leaves my gold fish alone .
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    Fish That Can Live In An Unheated Tank ?

    I know about gold fish and white clouds and that danios are hardy but what else can live in a unheated tank in a room that remains around fluctuates between 69 and 75 deggrees ?
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    Good Deal ? Or Not ?

    The lfs has a 55 gallon marine land tank on sale, the dimensions are 48"x13"x20.5"'s. It includes a penguin 330 dual bio wheel filter, canopy with twin flouresent lights, bunch of different items like fish food, extra filters and water conditioner . Does not include substrate or stand, seams...
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    Custom Tiered Tanks Build Questions

    Ok so I have this alcove where I currently keep my computer, it has plumbing conduits behind it and would be super easy to tap into and build a custom tiered tank with plenty of space on the bottom for an external filter system and cabinets on top I figured I could put 2 tanks in that are aprox...
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    Need Some Help With My Fish

    The one white cloud was the only one left at the lfs he was in a tank with bigger fish. He is quite the happy little fellow in with the danios and schools with them all the time, I will get some more white clouds when I see them , they have not been available at any of the lfs I frequent.
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    Need Some Help With My Fish

    I have 2 fancy gold fish in a 25 gallon tank , each fish is about 2 1/2 inches long 1 oranda and 1 ryukin , they are housed with 6 lepoard danios, 1 white cloud and 3 trap door snails , they have a variety of live and fake plants , the water conditions are good . they have been together for...
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    Gold Fish Problems

    I have 2 fancy gold fish in a 25 gallon tank , each fish is about 2 1/2 inches long 1 oranda and 1 ryukin , they are housed with 6 lepoard danios, 1 white cloud and 3 trap door snails , they have a variety of live and fake plants , the water conditions are good . they have been together for...
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    Are There Any Locl Fish Clubs In Vancouver B.c. Canada

    I am new to this hobbie and would like to meet and network with some local fish keepers. if there are any club members or associations I would like to know.
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    What Is A Death Tank ?

    read about it in another discussion group, is it a tank setup where one fish terorizes all the others ? or just a bunch of agressive non comunity fish ?
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    Please Recomend An Algae Eater

    i have a 25 gallon with 1 ryukin ,1 oranda and 6 lepoard danios . the tank is unheated and is filter by a powerfilter i feed flakes and blood worms , can i add an algae eater that wont suck the eyes out of my goldfish and survive in the unheated tank ?
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    Good Big Tank Size For A Beginner ?

    Hello all I have just started out keeping fish, we got a couple of gold fish for my 4 1/2 years old and the unknowledgable staff at the pet store set us up with a ryukin and oranda in a 4 gallon tank, I quickly discovered this to be inadequate and have since purchased a 25 gallon tank. I added...